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Trying to Fix Crash Report!


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Can anyone help me fixing the Crash Report ? i will leave a image here!





General protection fault!
History: UObject::execStructMember <- (InventoryWnd Transient.InventoryWnd @ Function Interface.UICommonAPI.ParamToItemInfo : 09B6) <- UUIEventManager::execParseInt <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (InventoryWnd Transient.InventoryWnd, Function Interface.InventoryWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:2600, param:classID=57 name= Adena iconName= icon.etc_adena_i00 itemType=4 serverID=270060407 itemNum= 41460225686 slotBitType=0 enchanted=0 blessed=0 damaged=0 equipped=0 price= 0 reserved=-1 reserved64= 0 defaultPrice= 0 refineryOp1=0 refineryOp2=0 currentDurability=-1 currentPeriod=-9999 enchantOption1=0 enchantOption2=0 enchantOption3=0 relatedQuestCnt=0 weight=0 materialType=3 durability=-1 crystalType=0 consumeType=3 ItemSubType=0 AttackAttributeType=-2 AttackAttributeValue=0 DefenseAttributeValueFire=0 DefenseAttributeValueWater=0 DefenseAttributeValueWind=0 DefenseAttributeValueEarth=0 DefenseAttributeValueHoly=0 DefenseAttributeValueUnholy=0 IsBRPremium=0 BR_CurrentEnergy=-1 BR_MaxEnergy=-1 Order=0 <- NConsoleWnd::AddInventoryItem <- ItemListPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=ItemListPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


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I think what the problem appear in proccess of replacing of interface from another project with another version of protocol or interface with protect ( For example: attached to encrypted client files with protect system like SmartCrypt + SmartGuard or anothers ).

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12 minutes ago, NevesOma said:

I think what the problem appear in proccess of replacing of interface from another project with another version of protocol or interface with protect ( For example: attached to encrypted client files with protect system like SmartCrypt + SmartGuard or anothers ).

its there any way to fix it ?

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