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GXZone is one of the first private servers opened in the world. By 2004, we launched Elwyn C1, which was the one that started everything. Over the years, we opened several projects, targeting the Latin market. Many European players ventured to these lands in the past, which is why on this occasion we added a powerful proxy in Europe, so they can enjoy the GX experience.
We are waiting for you!

Website: http://l2.gxzone.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ComunidadGX/

Official High Five platform

Friday, February 8, 2019  - 8PM (UTC-3)





Br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00_0.jpgEXP/SP x15
etc_adena_i00.png Adena: x10
skill0254.png Drop/Spoil x10
etc_wind_rune_i00.png Seal Stones x10
skill4111.png Raid Boss Dropx2
skill4109.png Epic Boss Drop x1
bBQPRxm.jpg Quest Drop x2
etc_shoulder_strap_of_knight_i00.png Eppaulete Drop x3


skill1394.pngServer Time - (UTC-3)
skill0165.png Trader Bot - FREE
br_fortuna_box_s_i00.png Dual Box - FREE
9CDXSll.jpg AutoPickup - YES
Qe0rfwX.jpg Learning Skills - Community Board (Alt + B)
skill1499.png Personal Buffer - Community Board (Alt + B) | 1 hr duration, all buffs + CoV-Prophecy
G84DoOj.jpg GM Shop - up to Dynasty Community Board (Alt + B)
human.png Class transfer - 1st, 2nd 3rd class for adena.
lxYrins.jpg Ranking System in Community Board
Etc_quest_account_reward_i00_0.jpg Donation store limited available options
ykQxUxa.jpg Automatic potion system Client included


V1dTWmg.png GX Deathmatch (36 vs 36, Balanced Teams) February 11
CBAUA8P.png GX Domination (9 vs 9, Party vs Party) February 16
skill0405.png Isle of Death - Isle of Prayer get cursed in the night! get high valuable goods while you clean monsters and enemies alike
etc_wine_barrel_i00.png Happy Hour Rush and Farm like a boss
etc_old_evil_book_i00.png Hellbound            STAGE 11 - February 11
etc_ancient_adena_i00.png Seven Signs                February 11
etc_hs_agit_war_joining_certificate_i00. Clan Hall Auctions        February 15
skill0013.png Sieges and TWs weekly - 1° week Siege, 2° week TW      February 15        
accessory_hero_cap_i00.png Olympiad - period 2 weeks                February 15


etc_reagent_blue_i00.png Mana Potions - 1000 x 10 seg, 20 seg reuse.
6V8dvSS.jpg 2 Weeks Olympiad Period 
By2QTiZ.jpg Class based option Disabled.
skill0000.png Teleport restriction during siege Removed
M7tQu0J.jpg Clan Hall for Clan Lvl +6 only


weapon_fort_flag_i00.pngWards return to Castles before next TW cycle

skill5076_a.png Epic Nests are Combat Zones

etc_shoulder_strap_of_knight_i00.png NPC Fortress Lv 85
etc_imperial_scepter_i00.png RB Subclass Quest Lv 80
skillboss.png Epic Random Respawn +- 1h
skillraid.png Raid Random Respawn +- 1h

accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.png Baium: Lv 85
accessory_ring_of_core_i00.png Core: Lv 85
accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.png Orfen: Lv 85
accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.png Queen Ant: lv 85, 24 hs respawn, chance drop Queen Ant's Ring 70%
accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.png Antharas: 7 days respawn, +Drop 3 parts Elegia. minions slightly nerfed
accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00.png Valakas:  7 days respawn, +Drop 3 parts Elegia. minions and HP Boss slightly nerfed
accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.png Frintezza: 48 hs respawn, No instanced first week.
accessary_dynasty_ring_i00.png Beleth: Teleport to the Boss added in Heine City


Giran Castle
Every Sunday at 14.00 UTC-3

Aden Castle
Every Sunday at 17.00 UTC-3

Goddard Castle
Every Sunday at 14.00 UTC-3

   Rune Castle
  Every Sunday at 17.00 UTC-3


Footage from previous projects 



Made by some guys.

Edited by GxScarlet
  • Upvote 1

El server ya desde su inicio ha sido una cagada.


No hay GM-Shop (cuando aquí dice que sí hay)

Las caracteristicas necesitan de GK Global y no la hay

Hay muy poca gente para lo que un H5 necesita

Learn skill en un x15 fullbuff? LOL

Sin autopickup (a lo mejor se puede poner, pero a saber, porque no hay información de cómo se saca el panel de control)

El Shop que hay el 90% de la opciones son de donación y es poco intuitivo


Mi consejo es que cerréis el server y abráis uno de Craft-PvP (como todos ahora) o lo hagais en plan low, pero esta mezcla rara que habéis hecho no, porque no lo va a jugar nadie.





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