is it a true feature that on interlude more ppl are in specific catas or necros the faster mobs spawn? If yes tell me please is there any proof for that, like code or something?
A couple of questions for the L2OFF devs out there:
1. Where are the packets encoded and decoded (or their structure saved) in the core, in the sense of - is there a file which lists the structure of packets, similar to L2J or the UIPacket.uc in the interface?
2. Is it possible to track (and record) SERVER<->CLIENT packet communication/exchange, and if so could you share how?
Run another server on a separate machine, with port 9999. Set up a connection to it in olympiaddata.xml in the scripts folder (for both servers), register it in dbo.lin2db.server, also on the third machine, run the raid server on port 8888 and configure the connection to it in the file raidserver.XML for all servers and add in dbo.lin2db.server .
In general, 3 separate machines and 3 different IP addresses are needed to fully launch the gaming, Olympics, and raid servers. Connected to the database of one of the machines, but having different lin2worlds
I need htmls for 166 classic 🙂 eng or rus
Hello, i have a small question.
How can i edit the reuse of skils in game? for example if someone is hero to get a 2% less cool down for every skill?
3 answers to this question
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