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Level 1


Once you appear in the world, you will appear in a room filled with monsters called Gremlins, and at your back, there will be 2 NPCs, talk with the one called Newbie Helper and get the quest to recover the blue gemstone, go and kill 1 or 2 Gremlins (drop rate is high) and you will get it, it's important that you don't kill many Gremlins, the vitality system will help you later on, and it would be a waste to use it on these lowbie mobs. Take the blue Gemstone back to the newbie helper, he will provide you with a recommendation card, take it to the NPC next to him, and with that you will receive soulshots or spirit shots (which can be used in order to boost your damage by dragging them into your skill bar from your inventory, and clicking on them with the right button of your mouse).


Level 2


After killing a Gremlin you will be level 2, lead now to your starter village, advoid killing any monster on the way there to keep your vitality at max level. Once you enter your city you will find a NPC called Newbie Guide, talk with him, receive a bunch of shots, and check out the dialogue display, he will ask you to talk with a certain NPC, notice that a kind of arrow appears over your head, this will guide you through the city in order to find that NPC, take the quest and complete it, it shouldn't be hard, once you've completed it go back to the newbie guide, who will have something for you, you should be level 5 now, once you talk with the guide, you will become level 6 and he will offer you 2 options.


Level 6


NOTE that L2 classes have to go to the guild in their starter towns in order to learn skills from the masters, for fighter classes, the levels to get skills are 5, 10 and 15 (before changing profession), for mages, 7 and 14.


You are at the newbie guide now and he has a new quest ready for you, but he also has a bunch of goods you are interested in. First, get your weapon exchange coupon and trade it for a weapon fitting your class, click on "Get support with a newbie item" and then click on "Use the weapon warehouse for apprentice...".


Once you have your weapon, equip it, and check another option from the newbie guide, "Check the list of available support magic". Click on this option, and then click on "Receive support magic". You will get buffed, these buffs last up to level 62 in Gracia, that next to the herbs should make your solo experience way easier.



Option for fighter classes, non Kamael ones:

If you're a fighter, and you want an armor, go to the kamael village with the scroll in your inventory and talk there with a guard called Marcela, take the "supplies" quest and complete it, its quite easy, just run around the city 2 times and you will get a wooden set, which should last you until level 20. If you're kamael, this quest is part of the proccess the newbie guide gets you through, so it isn't necessary.


Once you've received the buffs and the weapons, check out for the new quest displayed on the Newbie guide's conversation window, complete it, and that quest should provide you with a good ammount of shots, nice SP and experience, I don't remember which level this quest gets you at, but anyways, once you've completed it, lead to the newbie guide again, you should be level 14/15 if I recall correctly.


Level 14/15


Now the newbie guide will have his last quest ready, this one will be the longest one, and probably the hardest one, check your quest panel by clicking alt+U and take a look at the quest's name, once you've seen it, go to lineage2.stratics.com and find a guide there. These quests have been made easier in Gracia, so you'll probably end up skipping a pair of steps. This quest should take you up to level 18 once you've talked for the last time with the newbie guide, and now you're ready to start your quest to change your profession.


Level 18


Now lead to Gludin or Gludio, check out the map by clicking alt+M and look for your race's guild, there you'll see a guy with an awesome armor who looks like the one who rules there, talk with him, ask him for information about how to complete your profession change, and he will tell you where to start your quest.


If you are lost on this proccess, you can always check lineage2.stratics.com guides. Once you've completed this quest, you should be level 20, with your vitality at max level, and ready to use D grade equipment.


Level 20


Level up a bit up to level 21, and complete one of these 2 quests depending on your race: Dark elves, the rest.


Now head to Giran, go to the weapons and armor shops and equip yourself with the best D grade items you can buy from the standard items list, this gear will serve you in order to raid. Check out that your vitality must be at max level also, so that's great for you.


Now head to dion and ask for a raid group, there might be many alt chars and newcomers after the expansion hits, so you shouldn't have problems finding a spot, this group should take you to level 40 within 5-8 hours of playing if you have the time, raiding all the way up to 40 is important if you want to do it as fast as possible, since the raids have been boosted in Gracia.


Level 40


Now complete the second class quests which should make you level 42 (depends on the class, ofc), with C grade standard items everything should be easier. Remember tho, that C grade weapons have SA, and you can't apply them in standard items, so you can save up and buy them from regular items instead of standard ones and then apply SA for a more effective leveling. This whole proccess took me 10 hours and I was plainswalker.


Now it's time to grind, level hard and reach level 52 to get B grade, this proccess took me 2 days of kinda hardcore gaming on the PTS server, starting from scratch and without the boosting plans in the middle. So it is possible to hit B grade fast and become somehow competitive, however, make sure you are level 70 before getting heavily involved with wars if you don't want to see how you get rocked constantly.


This whole proccess up to 52 should teach you how to play the game, now, if you keep playing like this, you'll be able to get a subclassed character within the first month of playing, getting into a clan, into the politics, and being able to enjoy L2's real content.


Source from mmorpg.com


Where was your guide as i started play L2 =D

i started on x10 server and lvled till lvl15 because i didnt knowed what shots are xDDD( long , long long time ago =))))


nice guide for newbies on low rate servers.


L2 is so widely spread that anyone who plays for the first time is supposed to have someone next to him to tell him what and how to do.


These guides were amazing back on 2004~2005 where noone was claiming to be a pro in l2.

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