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Lucera olympiad config



Hello guys! Need help with lucera olympiad config.I have like 10+ cycle's every day .Don't know how to fix this to put olympiad system 2 weeks cause i don't understand this config.



# Allow Olympiad event ?
# default: true
OlympiadEnabled = true

# Allow Spectator for Players ?
# default: true
SpectationgAllowed = true

# Maximum observers to the stadium
# default: 18
MaxSpectatorPerStadium = 18

# Season time calculation mode.
# Possible values:
#  NORMAL - Season calculates from the 1st day of current month 00:00
#  CUSTOM - Season calculates from the today date 00:00
SeasonTimeCalcMode = NORMAL

# The start time of the season
# default: 2 00:00
SeasonStartTime = 2 00:00

# End of season
# default: +1:1 00:00
SeasonEndTime = +1:1 00:00

# During the competition
# default: 18:00
CompetitionStartTime = 18:00

# End time Competitions
# default: +1 00:00
CompetitionEndTime = +1 00:00

# While handing out bonuses
# default: +7 18:30
WeaklyBonusTime = +7 18:30

# Time distribution of heroism
# default: +1:1 12:00
NominateTime = +1:1 12:00

# Points early in the season
DefaultPoints = 18

# Points at the status of Noble
# defailt: 18
SeasonStartPoints = 18

# Minimum competition for hero
# default: 9
MinRewardableHeroComps = 9

# Minimum competitions win for hero
# default: 1
MinWinHeroComps = 1

# Minimum competitions for tokens
# default: 5
MinRewardableNobleComps = 5

# Rank
PointSettlement = 100;75;55;40;30

# Items Settlement Per Point
ItemsSettlementPerPoint = 1000

# Mandatory Limit of Enchant items level on Olympiad
# Default -1 its unlimited
# Limit for Mage Weapons
LimitEnchantStatLevelMageWeapon = -1
# Limit for Phys Weapons
LimitEnchantStatLevelPhysWeapon = -1
# Limit for Armor
LimitEnchantStatLevelArmor = -1
# Limit for Jewelry
LimitEnchantStatLevelAccessory = -1

# Hero Points Bonus
HeroPointBonus = 300

# Weekly Point bonus
WeaklyBonusPoints = 3

# Victory Reward Item ID
VictoryRewardItemID = 6651

VictoryRewardClassFreeCount = 40
VictoryRewardClassBasedCount = 65
VictoryRewardTeamBasedCount = 85

# How many points will be removed from the loser and add to the winner Oly competition. Expressed as a percentage (Default 0.2 = 20%)
LoosePointsMultiplier = 0.2

MaxTotalMatches = 300
MaxClassFreeMatches = 300
MaxClassBaseMatches = 300
MaxTeamBaseMatches = 300

# Min Participant for Class Free
MinParticipantClassFree = 11
# Min Participant for Class Based
MinParticipantClassBase = 11
MinParticipantTeamBase = 6

# Buff on Olympiad arena for classes
# Format classId:skillId-skillLevel,skillId-skillLevel;

# Time of the competition Olympiad (default: 5 min)
OlympiadCompetitionTime = 5
# Preparation time before moving to the Olympiad stadium (default: 45 sec)
OlympiadStadiumTeleportDelay = 45

# Announce releport on arena in shout chat by NPC
OlympiadNpcAnnounceTeleportOnStdium = true
# Announcement end date of a season of the Olympic Games at an Enter World
EndOlympiadAnnounceSeason = False

# Check olympiad registration with same HWID.
# True use only if LameGuard or SmartGuard enabled and installed on client side
OlympiadHWIDCheck = False
# Check olympiad registration with same IP address.
OlympiadIPCheck = False
# Prohibited class ids
OlympiadProhibitClassIds =

# The restricted passive skills in olympiad competition skills.
# @Default: <empty>
# Separator is ; Simple: 5000;5001;5002
OlyRestrictedSkillIds =

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