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L2 Damage Vote Coins Hack

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Hi dear L2 players, I used to make 300+ vote coins in L2 Damage with this trick. Since L2 Damage developers let you run their server in virtual machine, things get very easy. Run the virtual machine, log in L2 Damage and make your vote as always. After that restart your virtual machine, by using VM workstation it gives you the ability to change your machine's MAC address. Change it, and this time log in with a different account. DO this as many times as you want, with different account each time. Now, go get your vote coins!

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It's not a hack. Since vote is valid, you get reward. So, both sides are happy. All that 'hack' thing is, admins set stupid things as reward and so, you can abuse it that way.

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Try this one.


You need 3 things.


(Custom Batch file change your PC NAME)

2 Hola Vpn 

(Google Extension)

3 More than 1 account for vote.


I have use them 1,5 year before with some friends.

Have fun keep hacking.

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8 hours ago, Kouma said:

Try this one.


You need 3 things.


(Custom Batch file change your PC NAME)

2 Hola Vpn 

(Google Extension)

3 More than 1 account for vote.


I have use them 1,5 year before with some friends.

Have fun keep hacking.

Scan report for the file, please?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Create your bat file.

Open notepad paste this and save it us test.bat no test.txt

echo y | reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName /v ComputerName /t REG_SZ /d %random% pause

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