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How to kill any raidboss despite being 9+lvls. [RETAIL]


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Go to a raidboss with any friend. Say, AQ... Have atleast a good skill (79 GH on retail, so focus death (no CW yet... wtb sp) hehe). Power up with focus death and any other skill you have. Get in a duel wiht your friend. Once you're in the duel, go behind the RB and backstab it (with VS on preferably). You will get raid-cursed, but when the duel is over, you're fine. This is because when the duel is over, you lose any buff and/or debuff that was given within the duel.


Keep on doing this until it's very low hp (shouldn't take long) and then leave with the high-lvl character. Wait until looting rights are off, and voila! Your lowbie/lowbies can kill the rb and get full drops (if the looting rights are correct, anyway).


PS: Not 100% sure on the drop thing. I've only tested it on shitty low-lvl rb's. They DID drop items though.


Works on official L2 servers. Tested on Luna.


EDIT ADD: Have done this to do sub-class quest RB cabrio, although we were many 78+ people.

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Well there it was some other post that was like this but not exacly ..


I will try it beacuse may be the system dosnt recognise the hit from a hige lvl and in the end it does drop what it needs..


nice bug bud , i will check it soon

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90% of servers it will not works becouse there is system if bigger lvl char do more then 49% dmg u will not get drop (forget how to hide it....]


I think too that will not be useful because the drop probability will decrease, and will drop nothing.

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90% of servers it will not works becouse there is system if bigger lvl char do more then 49% dmg u will not get drop (forget how to hide it....]

I agree.. Normally they will be no drops, expet if the dmg sourse isnt be recognised by the server, but if u tried it to low lvl RBs and dropped stuff maybe thats the case..

Anyway its usefull for killing quest rbs so thanx 4 sharing :D

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  • 1 month later...

I tested this on L2J Interlude server, and it doesn't work. :(

I hoped to kill Zaken this way, but I wasted my time.

I'll try on L2Max, soon.


Btw. I congratulate myself for 500 posts!

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