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Quick Editing With Devmode And L2Smr

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Hi MxC! Is there a way to edit open maps in DevMode and edit it with l2smr without closing the game or changing to another map? Im currently using "c_teleport return" to set a point in a map that im editing, then I change to the Entry test map with "open entry", change values in l2smr and then go back to the previous point set through "c_teleport return". Is a pretty quick way to do it, but when I open the Entry map the coordinates keep stuck and they don't change (you can see that at the end of the video, when I show the stats), and that sucks a lot because I need them to place new StaticMeshes with precision. You can see it in this video that I have shared to a friend.



Any ideas? Im currently developing some scenarios for a Roleplay adventure with some friends (no live server), and I would love to do this quickier!


Thanks in advance!  ^-^


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The set of tutorials how to build something custom very fast using L2smr. Available (and not so expensive) here:




p.s. over 8+ hours of training.

Edited by deMEV
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Thanks for the offer demev, but i'm doing this as a hobby, so i don't want to spend money if its possible since I'm not going to make any money from a server project. Of course I know that your services have a price (I'm a huge fan of your work btw). I would gladly pay for your time if my project were a live server. I guess it's time to keep learning on my own. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the offer demev, but i'm doing this as a hobby, so i don't want to spend money if its possible since I'm not going to make any money from a server project. Of course I know that your services have a price (I'm a huge fan of your work btw). I would gladly pay for your time if my project were a live server. I guess it's time to keep learning on my own. Thanks again!

ok! :D

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