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people from averia also came here :)


http://imgur.com/a/cUGsC this is from baium lets what happends to antharas today ;D

Pvp list means nothing.Low count for all this days and ofcourse you see players in bosses and if others left aweria becoz new experience bored play all time aweria thats why.btw lets see how empty will be after all epics done


bot says 17k , this is cant be real man . i dont have bot but on this screen is 1,7k no 17k :D and this laag... and any free bot not working hahha

say this to tese believers of that is real on.we dont say its empty but many still continue to believe its 17k on,while all out there is adena selleres :D


i like l2 rise, online 3k + no lags stability serwer...


this dragon be for 1/2 weeks u see man :) but ... still all go on this shit lagged serwer.

same serber i think and same results,after epic and oly gonna be another dead one.really waste of time,you're the only one speakingtruth others still believe about that huge fake online and adena sellers


ye sry for my english i from poland hehe .idk where i can play, any one good serwer on this moment ? for me l2 rise best but all go to this dragon shit

this forum opens a serverin some days,l2mxci dont know how it will go but it worths for sure to give some test or stick playing it


i have the ronin bot but he stilll not update for dragon u know any free bot work on this dragon?

no try buy adr,its not that expens,tho server many adena sellers and bots,and of course that fake 17k on


adr ? link  adrenaline 20 usd haha or 20 euro i to much

yes but it will solve your hands,otherwise go elsewhere with free botting,i always go free botting too but every serber now has a protect it has become a joke

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