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Need Help With Event Script



Hello guys, i have L2day event script and try to configure and change it, but don't know now how make 2 rewards :) 1 item 100% and other by chance...

When i collect word "Chronicle" or "Lineage II" and pres to npc i wanna get 1 item 100% (unique item "Letter Collector's Gift") and + one item from the list...


package l2f.gameserver.scripts.events.l2day;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import l2f.gameserver.model.reward.RewardData;

public class l2day extends LettersCollection
		_name = "l2day";
		_msgStarted = "scripts.events.l2day.AnnounceEventStarted";
		_msgEnded = "scripts.events.l2day.AnnounceEventStoped";

		EVENT_MANAGERS = new int[][] {{ 83720, 149720, -3430, 49151 }};

		_words.put("LineageII", new Integer[][] { { L, 1 }, { I, 1 }, { N, 1 }, { E, 2 }, { A, 1 }, { G, 1 }, { II, 1 } });
		_rewards.put("LineageII", new RewardData[] {
				// Reward list
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 1000000),		//	100% 
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 750000),		//	75%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 500000),		//	50%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 250000),		//	25%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 100000),		//	10%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 50000),			//	5%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 5000),			//	0.5%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 1000),			//	0.1%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 100), });		//	0.01%
		_words.put("Chronicle", new Integer[][] { { C, 2 }, { H, 1 }, { R, 1 }, { O, 1 }, { N, 1 }, { I, 1 }, { L, 1 }, { E, 1 } });
		_rewards.put("Chronicle", new RewardData[] {
				// Reward list
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 1000000),		//	100% 
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 750000),		//	75%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 500000),		//	50%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 250000),		//	25%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 100000),		//	10%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 50000),			//	5%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 5000),			//	0.5%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 1000),			//	0.1%
				new RewardData(0, 1, 1, 100), });		//	0.01%

		final int DROP_MULT = 3;

		Map<Integer, Integer> temp = new HashMap <Integer, Integer>();
		for(Integer[][] ii : _words.values())
			for(Integer[] i : ii)
				Integer curr = temp.get(i[0]);
				if(curr == null)
					temp.put(i[0], i[1]);
					temp.put(i[0], curr + i[1]);
		letters = new int[temp.size()][2];
		int i = 0;
		for(Entry<Integer, Integer> e : temp.entrySet())
			letters[i++] = new int[] { e.getKey(), e.getValue() * DROP_MULT };
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4 answers to this question

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Find where it gives the random rewards and put a reward 100%

What is inside rewarddata.java?

package l2f.gameserver.model.reward;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import l2f.commons.math.SafeMath;
import l2f.commons.util.Rnd;
import l2f.gameserver.Config;
import l2f.gameserver.data.xml.holder.ItemHolder;
import l2f.gameserver.model.Player;
import l2f.gameserver.templates.item.ItemTemplate;

public class RewardData implements Cloneable
	private final ItemTemplate _item;
	private boolean _notRate = false; // Rate things do not apply to
	private long _mindrop;
	private long _maxdrop;
	private double _chance;
	private double _chanceInGroup;
	public RewardData(int itemId)
		_item = ItemHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(itemId);
		if (_item.isArrow() // Boom not Rate
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_EQUIPMENT && _item.isEquipment()) // Switched rate equip
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_KEY_MATERIAL && _item.isKeyMatherial()) // Switched rate key materials
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_RECIPES && _item.isRecipe()) // Switched rate recipe
			|| ArrayUtils.contains(Config.NO_RATE_ITEMS, itemId)) // individaulnaya switchable rate for a list of items
			_notRate = true;
	public RewardData(int itemId, long min, long max, double chance)
		_mindrop = min;
		_maxdrop = max;
		_chance = chance;
	public boolean notRate()
		return _notRate;
	public void setNotRate(boolean notRate)
		_notRate = notRate;
	public int getItemId()
		return _item.getItemId();
	public ItemTemplate getItem()
		return _item;
	public long getMinDrop()
		return _mindrop;
	public long getMaxDrop()
		return _maxdrop;
	public double getChance()
		return _chance;
	public void setMinDrop(long mindrop)
		_mindrop = mindrop;
	public void setMaxDrop(long maxdrop)
		_maxdrop = maxdrop;
	public void setChance(double chance)
		_chance = chance;
	public void setChanceInGroup(double chance)
		_chanceInGroup = chance;
	public double getChanceInGroup()
		return _chanceInGroup;
	public String toString()
		return "ItemID: " + getItem() + " Min: " + getMinDrop() + " Max: " + getMaxDrop() + " Chance: " + (getChance() / 10000.0) + "%";
	public RewardData clone()
		return new RewardData(getItemId(), getMinDrop(), getMaxDrop(), getChance());
	public boolean equals(Object o)
		if (o instanceof RewardData)
			final RewardData drop = (RewardData) o;
			return drop.getItemId() == getItemId();
		return false;
	 * Counting the drop rate of this particular thing Used in the opening event, and some special arrangements
	 * @param Player the player (it affects the chance of a bonus)
	 * @param Mod (just a chance factor)
	 * @return Information about things that fell
	public List<RewardItem> roll(Player player, double mod)
		double rate = 1.0;
		if (_item.isAdena())
			rate = Config.RATE_DROP_ADENA * player.getRateAdena();
		else if (_item.isEpolets())
			rate = Config.RATE_CHANCE_DROP_EPOLET * player.getRateEpolets();
			rate = Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS * (player != null ? player.getRateItems() : 1.);
		return roll(rate * mod);
	 * Counting the drop rate of this particular thing Used in the opening event, and some special arrangements
	 * @param Rate multiplier quantity
	 * @return Information about things that fell
	public List<RewardItem> roll(double rate)
		final double mult = Math.ceil(rate);
		final List<RewardItem> ret = new ArrayList<>(1);
		RewardItem t = null;
		long count;
		for (int n = 0; n < mult; n++)
			if (Rnd.get(RewardList.MAX_CHANCE) <= (_chance * Math.min(rate - n, 1.0)))
				if (getMinDrop() >= getMaxDrop())
					count = getMinDrop();
					count = Rnd.get(getMinDrop(), getMaxDrop());
				if (t == null)
					ret.add(t = new RewardItem(_item.getItemId()));
					t.count = count;
					t.count = SafeMath.addAndLimit(t.count, count);
		return ret;
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package l2f.gameserver.model.reward;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import l2f.commons.math.SafeMath;
import l2f.commons.util.Rnd;
import l2f.gameserver.Config;
import l2f.gameserver.data.xml.holder.ItemHolder;
import l2f.gameserver.model.Player;
import l2f.gameserver.templates.item.ItemTemplate;

public class RewardData implements Cloneable
	private final ItemTemplate _item;
	private boolean _notRate = false; // Rate things do not apply to
	private long _mindrop;
	private long _maxdrop;
	private double _chance;
	private double _chanceInGroup;
	public RewardData(int itemId)
		_item = ItemHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(itemId);
		if (_item.isArrow() // Boom not Rate
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_EQUIPMENT && _item.isEquipment()) // Switched rate equip
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_KEY_MATERIAL && _item.isKeyMatherial()) // Switched rate key materials
			|| (Config.NO_RATE_RECIPES && _item.isRecipe()) // Switched rate recipe
			|| ArrayUtils.contains(Config.NO_RATE_ITEMS, itemId)) // individaulnaya switchable rate for a list of items
			_notRate = true;
	public RewardData(int itemId, long min, long max, double chance)
		_mindrop = min;
		_maxdrop = max;
		_chance = chance;
	public boolean notRate()
		return _notRate;
	public void setNotRate(boolean notRate)
		_notRate = notRate;
	public int getItemId()
		return _item.getItemId();
	public ItemTemplate getItem()
		return _item;
	public long getMinDrop()
		return _mindrop;
	public long getMaxDrop()
		return _maxdrop;
	public double getChance()
		return _chance;
	public void setMinDrop(long mindrop)
		_mindrop = mindrop;
	public void setMaxDrop(long maxdrop)
		_maxdrop = maxdrop;
	public void setChance(double chance)
		_chance = chance;
	public void setChanceInGroup(double chance)
		_chanceInGroup = chance;
	public double getChanceInGroup()
		return _chanceInGroup;
	public String toString()
		return "ItemID: " + getItem() + " Min: " + getMinDrop() + " Max: " + getMaxDrop() + " Chance: " + (getChance() / 10000.0) + "%";
	public RewardData clone()
		return new RewardData(getItemId(), getMinDrop(), getMaxDrop(), getChance());
	public boolean equals(Object o)
		if (o instanceof RewardData)
			final RewardData drop = (RewardData) o;
			return drop.getItemId() == getItemId();
		return false;
	 * Counting the drop rate of this particular thing Used in the opening event, and some special arrangements
	 * @param Player the player (it affects the chance of a bonus)
	 * @param Mod (just a chance factor)
	 * @return Information about things that fell
	public List<RewardItem> roll(Player player, double mod)
		double rate = 1.0;
		if (_item.isAdena())
			rate = Config.RATE_DROP_ADENA * player.getRateAdena();
		else if (_item.isEpolets())
			rate = Config.RATE_CHANCE_DROP_EPOLET * player.getRateEpolets();
			rate = Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS * (player != null ? player.getRateItems() : 1.);
		return roll(rate * mod);
	 * Counting the drop rate of this particular thing Used in the opening event, and some special arrangements
	 * @param Rate multiplier quantity
	 * @return Information about things that fell
	public List<RewardItem> roll(double rate)
		final double mult = Math.ceil(rate);
		final List<RewardItem> ret = new ArrayList<>(1);
		RewardItem t = null;
		long count;
		for (int n = 0; n < mult; n++)
			if (Rnd.get(RewardList.MAX_CHANCE) <= (_chance * Math.min(rate - n, 1.0)))
				if (getMinDrop() >= getMaxDrop())
					count = getMinDrop();
					count = Rnd.get(getMinDrop(), getMaxDrop());
				if (t == null)
					ret.add(t = new RewardItem(_item.getItemId()));
					t.count = count;
					t.count = SafeMath.addAndLimit(t.count, count);
		return ret;
As i can remember now this works with npc find the bypass from this npc please and paste here..
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As i can remember now this works with npc find the bypass from this npc please and paste here..


You talk about Event Manager npc? "EVENT_MANAGERS = new int[][] {{ 83720, 149720, -3430, 49151 }};"


Maybe its something here?

package l2f.gameserver.scripts.events.l2day;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import l2f.commons.util.Rnd;
import l2f.gameserver.Announcements;
import l2f.gameserver.Config;
import l2f.gameserver.cache.Msg;
import l2f.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener;
import l2f.gameserver.listener.actor.player.OnPlayerEnterListener;
import l2f.gameserver.model.Creature;
import l2f.gameserver.model.Player;
import l2f.gameserver.model.SimpleSpawner;
import l2f.gameserver.model.actor.listener.CharListenerList;
import l2f.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance;
import l2f.gameserver.model.reward.RewardData;
import l2f.gameserver.scripts.Functions;
import l2f.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile;
import l2f.gameserver.templates.npc.NpcTemplate;

public class LettersCollection extends Functions implements ScriptFile, OnDeathListener, OnPlayerEnterListener
	private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LettersCollection.class);
	// Переменные, определять
	protected static boolean _active;
	protected static String _name;
	protected static int[][] letters;
	protected static int EVENT_MANAGERS[][] = null;
	protected static String _msgStarted;
	protected static String _msgEnded;
	// Буквы, статика
	protected static int A = 3875;
	protected static int C = 3876;
	protected static int E = 3877;
	protected static int F = 3878;
	protected static int G = 3879;
	protected static int H = 3880;
	protected static int I = 3881;
	protected static int L = 3882;
	protected static int N = 3883;
	protected static int O = 3884;
	protected static int R = 3885;
	protected static int S = 3886;
	protected static int T = 3887;
	protected static int II = 3888;
	protected static int Y = 13417;
	protected static int _5 = 13418;
	protected static int EVENT_MANAGER_ID = 31230;
	// Контейнеры, не трогать
	protected static Map<String, Integer[][]> _words = new HashMap<>();
	protected static Map<String, RewardData[]> _rewards = new HashMap<>();
	protected static List<SimpleSpawner> _spawns = new ArrayList<>();
	public void onLoad()
		if (isActive())
			_active = true;
			_log.info("Loaded Event: " + _name + " [state: activated]");
			_log.info("Loaded Event: " + _name + " [state: deactivated]");
	 * Читает статус эвента из базы.
	protected static boolean isActive()
		return IsActive(_name);
	 * Спавнит эвент менеджеров
	protected void spawnEventManagers()
	 * Удаляет спавн эвент менеджеров
	protected void unSpawnEventManagers()
	public void onReload()
	public void onShutdown()
	 * Обработчик смерти мобов, управляющий эвентовым дропом
	public void onDeath(Creature cha, Creature killer)
		if (_active && SimpleCheckDrop(cha, killer))
			final int[] letter = letters[Rnd.get(letters.length)];
			if (Rnd.chance(letter[1] * Config.EVENT_L2DAY_LETTER_CHANCE * ((NpcTemplate) cha.getTemplate()).rateHp))
				((NpcInstance) cha).dropItem(killer.getPlayer(), letter[0], 1);
	 * Запускает эвент
	public void startEvent()
		final Player player = getSelf();
		if (!player.getPlayerAccess().IsEventGm)
		if (SetActive(_name, true))
			System.out.println("Event '" + _name + "' started.");
			Announcements.getInstance().announceByCustomMessage(_msgStarted, null);
			player.sendMessage("Event '" + _name + "' already started.");
		_active = true;
		show("admin/events/events.htm", player);
	 * Останавливает эвент
	public void stopEvent()
		final Player player = getSelf();
		if (!player.getPlayerAccess().IsEventGm)
		if (SetActive(_name, false))
			System.out.println("Event '" + _name + "' stopped.");
			Announcements.getInstance().announceByCustomMessage(_msgEnded, null);
			player.sendMessage("Event '" + _name + "' not started.");
		_active = false;
		show("admin/events/events.htm", player);
	 * Обмен эвентовых вещей, где var[0] - слово.
	public void exchange(String[] var)
		final Player player = getSelf();
		if (!player.isQuestContinuationPossible(true))
		if (!NpcInstance.canBypassCheck(player, player.getLastNpc()))
		final Integer[][] mss = _words.get(var[0]);
		for (final Integer[] l : mss)
			if (getItemCount(player, l[0]) < l[1])
		for (final Integer[] l : mss)
			removeItem(player, l[0], l[1]);
		final RewardData[] rewards = _rewards.get(var[0]);
		int sum = 0;
		for (final RewardData r : rewards)
			sum += r.getChance();
		final int random = Rnd.get(sum);
		sum = 0;
		for (final RewardData r : rewards)
			sum += r.getChance();
			if (sum > random)
				addItem(player, r.getItemId(), Rnd.get(r.getMinDrop(), r.getMaxDrop()));
	public void onPlayerEnter(Player player)
	public String DialogAppend_31230(Integer val)
		if (!_active)
			return "";
		final StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder("<br><br>");
		for (final String word : _words.keySet())
			append.append("[scripts_").append(getClass().getName()).append(":exchange ").append(word).append("|").append(word).append("]<br1>");
		return append.toString();
Edited by Celsas
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