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Sh Lvl 79 On L2.eu.com


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Selling account with Spellhowler lvl 79.29% with subclass Necro 47. 


+Shillen Elder lvl 73 and 40%


On the accout you have a lot of extras like: Coloured nickname and title, 23 buffslot, book for lifting more staff in your inventory(You can take much more BSSS and other nesessery staff to your exp or whatever you whant).





~Dark Cristal Robe Set

Helmet +3

Robe +6




~Nightmare Shield


~Tallum Heavy Set


~TTS JWL Set (Some of them are +3)


~Arcane Mace + Acumen +5


~ Top Hat


~ Adena over 20kk and 3kk AA


~ S Grade Blessed Soulshots 


~ 5000 S-Grade Cristals in WH



If you are intrested of my Acc just contact me on my email Box - lukasz.serocki@gmail.com




In email set an information about what is your price(offer me)


Greetins, Lukas

Edited by serocky
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