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Wts Chars Adena Items E-Global X7


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We want to sell chars with eq or clean. We can sell just items from chars.



PW 85/75/75/75 DYNA L (ESENS 2)SET 300ATT(fundation helmet) SHAPER+4 SA 225 ATT(pasive clarity) / DC ROBE SET/NM ROBE SET/MJ LA SET(PVP) oly eq  with skill cl, refresh, pvp atack all active, soes+btb, hell knife+mental fenrir+top weapon MAX  INVENTORY EXPANDED, 83 protections books


ZERK 85/75/68 DYNA L SET 300ATT, ICA 2H+HP SA 150 ATT, fenrir+top weapon, SKILLS +15/22 


gh 85 bd 77 tank 74 deska 74 dyna set + att as150 +cd koszulka + cp, tts set maj set dc set low a grade pasek skillS 13+++,fenrir+top weapon, items with active skills ( celka i pvp patak)


slh 85/bers75/arba75/judi78  am+acu+150dark fb+f+150dark mj pvp set dynasty pvp set, active refresh nuks +18-20


bp 85/ sws 77/pal 75/ warlock 75 dynasty robe set+3 +240 shirt s +4 belt + weight tts jewels +3  am+acu+150 dark+nuk active celestial agu pasive clarity   heals +14 debuffs +20 passives +12 protection of elemental skills 83



ee 85/75/75/75 ma robe set 240 att,dyna robe bp, circlet, gloves fundation , am+acu150 holy, 2x am clean, flaming dragon skull(fundation 5%clarity) acumen +pasive clarity(another 5%) ,tts jew set 


bd85 sub 75destro/75wc/72paladyn enechant skils 12-15, dual S150att, dyna set 300,tts set, koszulka s+cp, belt A top grade PIN fenrir+top weapon(NO DANCE OF BERSERKER BUT HAVE TOKENS FOR IT)


sws 85 sub wc 75 bp 75 skille 12+++  dyna set 300att tts set as 150 att shirt+cp, fenrir+top weapon 


wc 85/75  MA SET240 ATT AM+ACU+150ATT+NUKE TTS SET WEIGHT LIMIT X3 fenrir+top weapon 


all chars have 83 skills (exept bd but he have tokens for it )







1X AQ 




for price info ss pm here or on skype:loren_skn

Edited by lorenskn
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