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Adena - Eglobal 7X


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Selling Adena on eGlobal - 7x


Price: 14m - 18,5m Adena = 1€

                                                                                                                  *Sold all. Thank you!*

Discounts and offers:  

                                   100m = 7

                                   200m = 13

                                   300m = 18.5€ (16m per eu)

                                   400m = 24

                                   500m = 29

                                     1B   = 57€  (18.5m per eu)

Master Acc with accounts: Prophet lvl 75,  Spoiler 72 with Lv 72 Wolf(15m weap), Dark Avenger Lv 75.   =    11


Doing this as a hobby, sold a couple of stuff in this forum.

got any questions? ask in pm.

Only Paypal pls

You can add me on skype for faster service skype-16x16.png: z00pie

Edited by teo007
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