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[Dont Know] l2phx protection



Yes everybody is looking for protection... whell there isnt any protection :) there are lots of things that u can make phx useles for your server... first... take out drop... so they cannot drop anything on the ground.. and lag your server... or other bugs.. next... look for wh bugs... search in maxcheaters.com there is somewhere topic about scripts that bans enchants :] they cant enchant..  second.. take out mamons.. for free adena bug =] next make custom shops by your self and add scripts that they cant take out ++++ items :) make global gk to cc... and your on!!!! so this is what i can say about l2phx protection.. its not much.. i have to stay in server 24/7 and ban all players there are some master phx ho can stil bypas protactions :/ ... and other phx master.. they have proxy its very hard :) but some noob phx just give up :> have fun..


i am waiting ur replay how to protect server more and more :> ur replay plz hide 50 posts :> thankx..


l2j has leave interlude behind... so we have to take the securyti in our hands :D

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Along with the bugs you posted there can be other bugs like the ones which make you invicible, big stat, substuck skills...Those are from the java code. If you wanna fix those, fix the bug..You cannot forbid phx in any way (well only client side...Im talking about serverside fixes here).


Those kind of bugs are actually bugs in the server-client protocol. You cannot use most of the bugs only with the client because you're not able to manage what packets the client sends, but with PHX you can send whatever client you want...Like change class and after teleport and so on.


Altho you cannot hack the Bypass commands with phx (most of the commands). It would be very easy to do it BUT l2j is checking the command in the database as well. Just like the teleports...the link of the teleport is a name, same name is in the database along with the coords. If the coords would be in the link, it would be easly exploitable...Same with java buffers which use only links and so on.


Also admin commands are only a link. There are no other checks for a bypass of an admin command. If you manage to bypass the accesslevel check, you can do anything you want...unfortunatelly, the accesslevel check isnt bypassable xD



SO! The only way to fix PHX bugs related to the java code is by fixing the code.

The only way to fix PHX false Bypasses is adding a check in a xml file, database table or even core code.

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