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Hello all.


I am currently working with many different clients around the world, but I have a simple problem - talking to them in English..

When I write E-mails I have no problem but when we need to arrange a sessions via software like team viewer but with talking involved I kinda suck at speaking it :D


I want to mention that I'm Bulgarian and English isn't my native language and the both are very different from each other ( maybe this is the reason I have those problems )



So.. The question is - Is there any way I can practice my speaking like online or I dunno how? I have many friends with which we play dota2 or lineage but they prefer writing in-game not speaking via skype or smth, so I rly need something additional to practice, because I said I work with very important clients that are paying high amount of money for the software we're supporting and I can't just.. Fail mid sentences.. 


Thanks for any information anyone can provide me and have a great weekend ^_^


EDIT: I used to speak with Access for practice but my mic was broke back then so there was 0 effect :D

Edited by hmzzz
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Read lyrics online. You don't have to be a super star, it's all about practicing your English when speaking. 


Turn on the radio, youtube, spotify or whatever you want and start singing along.

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