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Chars On L2 Core

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Hello, because of quting the game i have chars to sell at Lineage 2 Core server from Innova.


- Feoh Soulhound / Wynn Elemental Master (dual) - 101 and ~60% / 100 lvl (PRICE 120 EURO)

(Exalted status, 16 AP, 4-5 skills +10 on Feoh, 3 lvl stones to Brooch - Diamond, Sapphire, Pearl, Obsidian, Aquamarine, Shiny Shirt +7),


- Iss Spectral Dancer - 99 lvl (dual is 94 or 95 Tyrr as i remember) SOLD


- Yull Trickster / Othell Ghost Hunter - 100 lvl / 98 lvl and 98% (dual) (PRICE 80 EURO)


Payment via PayPal gift, i can show screens of all stuff and talk about them at Skype.


Interested ppl PM or comment here.


Last edited 07.09.2016

Edited by mraltair
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