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As some of you know I've been working on a Pokemon Sniper and I would like to believe that it's done now.
This is my last release and I won't be working on bots as actively as I have done before. This is my "Good bye" tool to all of you who've given to the community. <3 You are all appreciated.
Some things happened and the bot got released in a lot of public channels. As I don't want people to download a bunch of viruses I'll open this to the public.

PokeSnipe[CCRTS] X64 - [Download]
PokeSnipe[CCRTS] X86 - [Download]

  • Setting Things Up
  • Begin with editing PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Console.exe.config open it up in Notepad++ or preferred text editing tool.
  • Set DefaultLatitude to the latitude of where your character in game is.
  • Set DefaultLongitude to the longitude of where your character in game is.
  • Choose AuthType: Ptc or Google.
  • Ptc - Enter Username and Password in the fields named accordingly.
  • Google - You don't have to edit anything, don't touch the refresh token, that will be saved automatically later.

That's all for now. Hopefully something like this doesn't happen to you:

Q: Can you run it from anywhere and Snipe Anything on the continent?
A: Da.
Q: Why snipe?
A: When you get to the higher levels you will need to start looking for specific Pokemon if you wanna win those gym battles.
Q: What is IV? 


 It's the percentage of the the absolute perfection of IV.
Q: I'm out of pokeballs, what do I do?
A: Check the post under this one. I've attatched a Pokestopper that fixes this.

Commonly Known Problems
People tend to spell Pokèmon names incorrectly so check the names here: http://pastebin.com/raw/Uzpg3rMQ
Also.. Pokevision url's have messed up coordinates. Try to not use those. There are better alternatives!

SquirrelFork for providing necessities 
Maclone for being a patient guy. ( Sorry )
Valmere for helping me figure out the Sniping task.

If you were wondering what CCRTS stood for... It's Cross Continent Real-Time Sniper.
Out of Pokeballs? Need a bot that only hit's Pokestops as fast as possible?
I hacked something up real quick and I hope it works:

PokeStopper[Normal] [Download]
PokeStopper[Gym Friendly] [Download]

Q: Refresh token?
A: It's created in the configs folder after you've logged in with Google once. GoogleAuth.ini contains that token. No need to manually do anything. If you wanna log out delete the file GoogleAuth.ini
NOTE: This bot won't know if your bag is upgraded. So if you have upgraded bags in the game, use something else.
The normal version will delete revives and all that other shit and keep the max amount of Pokeballs for a user that hasn't bought bag upgrades.

The gym version will maximize in keeping potions and revives, minimum on Pokeballs.
Ignore the "There's an update available."





PokeSnipe x64:



PokeSnipe x86:


  • 3 weeks later...

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