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Best H5 Files ?

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since i always used L2OFF and did alot of stuff there im curious about L2j H5 Files.


What are the best (no-backdoor / complete / mostly bugfree / tested ) files ?


Who develops it (people behind it) and where can i look into them ? Sourcefiles available ? Or already compiled?


Thanks  peepz



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Well you don't have much of an option.


Vanilla L2j H5 if you can work on your own is probably the best choice.

If not Sunrise is superior to the bullshitty Russian packs around.

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Well you don't have much of an option.


Vanilla L2j H5 if you can work on your own is probably the best choice.

If not Sunrise is superior to the bullshitty Russian packs around.

Elfo are you advertising nevermore's pack? Are you his sponsor? :P

Edited by AccessDenied
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Elfo are you advertising nevermore's pack? Are you his sponsor? :P

Call out any other l2j h5 pack from the top of your head that is not russian based.

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Call out any other l2j h5 pack from the top of your head that is not russian based.

Bitch im joking -.- i just love how you suggest it everytime is cute :3 nevermore should pay you :3 like clicks. 1$ per comment

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