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Lineage 2 Wall of Argos Features:







Beta Version: 28/7/2016 at 18:00 GMT+2

Grand Opening: 11/8/2016 at 18:00 GMT+2


Chroncle: Gracia Final
Type: PvP - Farm - Mid Rate Server

Startup system:
Starting level: 1
Max Level: 99
1B Adena
1B Sp

Basic Rates:
Experience: 50x
Skill Points: 50x
Party Rates: (EXP/SP) 50x
Adena Drop Rate: 5000x

Rates: No Grade (5%), Mid Grade (15%), High Grade (20%), Top Grade (25%), Skill Stone (10%)
Augmented Items Can Be Traded

Enchant Rates:
Enchant Safe: +3
Enchant Weapon Max: +20
Enchant Armor Max: +20
Enchant Chance: Starts at 66% and  after every +1 it lowers by -1, so at +19 to +20 it will be 46%
At +18 (full armor) you get effects at your armor
At Crystal enchant fail it returns to +5

Additional Features:
Auto Loot: Enabled
Auto Loot Raid: Enabled
Auto Learn Skills: Enabled
Weight Limit: Disabled
Grade penalty: Enabled
Max Subclasses: Five (5)
Subclass Without Quest
Player Spawn Protection: 5 Seconds
Run Speed Boosted By +10 (Plus Ten To Base Stat)
Death Penalty Disabled
Auto Learn Skills
Auto Learn Divine Inspiration
Life Crystals Are Not Needed For Clan Skills
You Can Find Every Sub Class At Every Class Master
Vitality Is Disabled
Crafting Is Disabled
Unstuck Time: 15s (seconds)
Geodata And Pathnode Enabled
Shift + Click at Mobs for Drops View Enabled

Buffs Info:
Max Buffs: 21
Max Dances: 8
Time: 3 Hours
Dances  And Songs Does Not Consume Additional Mp
You Can Cancel An Existing Buff, With Alt+Click On The Buff

Clan And Ally System:
If you leave a clan you need to wait 1 day to join another, but you do not need any days to make a new clan
In order to delete a clan you need to wait 7 days
The same are applied for Ally System too
Max Clans In An Ally: 2

Siege System:
2 Hours
Every Sunday or Saturday

Olympiad System:
Start Hour: 18:00 GMT+1 (France Time)
End Hour: 00:00 GMT+1 (France Time)
Enchant Limit: +3
Heroes Every Month

Custom Features:

PvP Color System:
Its not like the retail one, when you get PvPs your Title Color will change:
Some colors are shown the same because in the server we use different color codes!

Regeneratiom System:
When you are sitting your Cp/Hp/Mp regeneration is multiplied by 3!

PvP Reward:
1 PvP Item when you take a PvP Kill

PvP Skills:
Like PvP Color System but with Skills every 200 PvPs

Combo PvP System:
There is announce on Combo skills, but also when you make 5,10,15,25 PvP Skills in a raw you get a buff in your buffs with different level each time

Custom Starting Items:
Different For Mages And Different For Fighters

Clan Leader:
When the clan leader takes a PvP of an enemy Clan Leader the clan gets 10 Clan Reputation

On Enter:
Social Action (The character makes a social action of victory)
If you are a hero or a clan leader with a castle or a donator, there will be an announce for you

Raid System:
When you hit some Raids you get a PvP flag
Every Raid Boss you kill your party gets Noblesse Statues
If you kill the Forest God you get Noblesse Statues And Hero Statues (until restart) for your whole party
Raid Bosses Have Some Announces Too
Champion System:
Min - Max Mob Level: 1 - 99
Rewards are multiplied by 2 from the simple mob
Adena drop is multiplied by 5
Bonus Drop: 1 Event Medal
Stats are multiplied by many times to be stronger

Wedding System:
Price: 250000000 Adena
Wedding Teleport is enabled (Price: 1 Adena)
You need formal wear to marry

Offline Trade:
Name Color Changes

Mana Potions:
Are Changed not like retail ones

Vote Reward System:
For L2 HopZone, L2 TopZone, L2 Network

In game E-mail System:
You can send or receive even if the receiver is offline
Commands: .mailread / .mailsend

Donate System:
Custom donate system for server donators

Custom NPCs:
GM Shop
Global Gatekeeper
Class Manager
Server Informer
Wedding Manager
Warehouse Manager (with cargo box)
Symbol Maker
Clan Halls' Auctioneer
High Priest (with all sub classes, clan and ally tabs)
Achievements' Manager
TvT Registrator
Instance Managers

Custom Commands:
/unstuck (to bring you back at the nearest town, channel: 15 seconds)
/time (to show you server time)
.buyrec (with that command you buy recommendations, you need to pay one recommendation item
.castle (all in one castle manager)
.changepassword (to change your account's password)
.cregister/.cleave (for coast guard event)
.register/.leave (for last hero event)
.xpon/.xpoff (to gain or not xp and sp)
.menu (character's menu)
.mailread/.mailsend (In game E-mail System Commands)
.online (shows you the online players number)
.quiz answer (for quiz event)
.report (checks if the target is bot and gives him a captcha)
.res (needs 5 ressuraction coins to ressuract you instantly)
.tvt (for tvt event)
.divorce/.engage/gotolove (for wedding system)


Team VS Team (TvT):
Location: Coliseum
Hours: 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 3:00
Registration Time: 10 Minutes
Running Time: 20 Minutes
Reward For Winner: 4 Event Medals
Reward For Tie: No Reward
Buffs Are Not Removed

Coast Guard Event (CGE):
You get teleported at a location where a flag and some mobs are spawned, you need to kill the mobs before they kill the flag!

Last Hero Event (LHE):
You get teleported at a location where you need to kill all your enemies!

Quiz Event (QE):
A question will be asked as an announce and you need to answer it with .quiz answer!

Edited Client
We have modified the Interface to be better and not like the retail one.
What is more we have added some new locations: Hellfire Dungeon and Embryo Fortt

Edited by ganjaradio
  • Downvote 1
Posted (edited)

This guy is alextoti aka this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197212-l2j-l2-desar/page-3


If there is 1% drop of seriousness in here, drop this topic or move at junk.

Shared pack, shared website, shared npc's, alextoti is 16 years old. 


This was the pack that he downlaoded and use: http://l2hayze.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12-server-features/

a gracia final.. Sanctus know what i mean..

Edited by AccessDenied

This guy is alextoti aka this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197212-l2j-l2-desar/page-3


If there is 1% drop of seriousness in here, drop this topic or move at junk.

Shared pack, shared website, shared npc's, alextoti is 16 years old. 


This was the pack that he downlaoded and use: http://l2hayze.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12-server-features/

a gracia final.. Sanctus know what i mean..


im thinking and asking myself, someone pay you to spam every fucking post of this forum? you are pathetic. :). i dont know this guy  but u do the same in all fucking topics..


This guy is alextoti aka this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197212-l2j-l2-desar/page-3


If there is 1% drop of seriousness in here, drop this topic or move at junk.

Shared pack, shared website, shared npc's, alextoti is 16 years old. 


This was the pack that he downlaoded and use: http://l2hayze.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12-server-features/

a gracia final.. Sanctus know what i mean..

its obvious with a name as bad that

especially since he smokes marijuana, its expected that he is retarded

Posted (edited)

im thinking and asking myself, someone pay you to spam every fucking post of this forum? you are pathetic. :). i dont know this guy  but u do the same in all fucking topics..


1st of all, you're the idiot who come and say nosence things as answerback. I know what im talking about. This kid download shared packs and try open server 2 years now.

2nd i spam servers/topics that request / ask for it. Obviously this one ask for it. 

3rd pathetic? Did you google this word? Cause if you wrote it on your own i'm really happy that your brain recover after wake up and realised that it must be with you for the rest of its life.

4th All above


its obvious with a name as bad that

especially since he smokes marijuana, its expected that he is retarded


A fail troll like you is shame for others 






Especialy with that img profil.


Yes TRUMB .. yes you can request codes are private but being idiot at public.

Edited by AccessDenied

This guy is alextoti aka this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197212-l2j-l2-desar/page-3


If there is 1% drop of seriousness in here, drop this topic or move at junk.

Shared pack, shared website, shared npc's, alextoti is 16 years old. 


This was the pack that he downlaoded and use: http://l2hayze.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12-server-features/

a gracia final.. Sanctus know what i mean..

retarded you try to prove hayze as the original pack? OMG

this is pride's pack shared from chawa


retarded you try to prove hayze as the original pack? OMG

this is pride's pack shared from chawa

Dat idiot guy in ur profil photo represent 100% of how you're in real life.. 


http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/137460-svn-gracia-final/ here is my pack check the SVN above :)

Also the SVN :

l2j is clean pack without events and any other modification. you're not capable of add 1 line of code or even install them on eclipse so no is not l2j is a shared pack like previous time clown.


l2j is clean pack without events and any other modification. you're not capable of add 1 line of code or even install them on eclipse so no is not l2j is a shared pack like previous time clown.

For those,we can suggest trance pack Kappa

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    • Welcome to L2EpicFail Server developed by gamers for gamers!  OBT - 7th March 2024 at 18:00 GMT+0 GRAND OPENING - 14th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT+0 Website : https://l2epic.fail/ Discord : https://discord.gg/6hwhrkrHBG     Server Features and Rates Xp – 15x Sp – 9x Adena – 6x Drop – 2x Spoil - 2x Seal Stones drop -  3x   Epic Raid Boss drop - 1x Regular RBs - EXP 5x, SP 5x, drop 4x   Quest drop - 1x (some quests customized to 3x) Quest reward - 1x, Adena 3x, EXP 3x, SP 3x     Premium Account Xp +20% Sp +20% Adena +20% Drop +20% Spoil +20% Quest reward +20%   get by vote or donate World chat 20 times/day use ">" in chat. Buff Book outside of town. Applies to all accounts.     Special Features Classic interface ActiveAnticheat Vote System Missions Attendance check And more in information below     Noblesse There are 3 ways how to make noblesse 1 - Retail Quest with killing barakiel 2 - Modifed Quest, choose killing mobs for 100 items instead of barakiel 3 - Can be bought for Epic Coins     Raid Rank Killing regular Raids gives points according to the level of the RB to the clan of the player who killed the boss. At the end of every month, there will be rewards for top clans. For more info, follow our Discord.   monthly period killing RB = points to clan according to RB level rewards up to Valakas Necklace (not the first month) current statistics can be checked online     Epic Bosses & Respawns   Queen Ant 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 43 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% guards, nurses lvl 40   Orfen 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% earring gives +1 WIT, +1 INT   Core 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% ring gives +1 STR, +1 DEX   Zaken 44 - 54 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max A grade) doors opened only 5 mins HP boosted   Baium Every Sunday 20:30 - 21:30 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (13 - 14th ToI level) regular HP   Frintezza Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 - 21:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (all IT entrance) max 5 parties to entry max 500 range from NPC   Antharas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (bridge to heart)   Valakas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (Klein to heart)   every Epic RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level x 10     Regular Bosses all regular RBs HP boosted M. def boosted a bit to give advantage to fighters all regular RBs respawn 24 - 30 hours every RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level     Added Skills Mass Sweep - All Bounty Hunters 40+ Block Buff - All Characters, toggle Escape: 20 seconds - All Characters, no more SoEs   Skills autolearn. Losing skills after 16 levels of delevel. Max buffs 24 + 4 with books (no autolearn)     Augments NoGrade - 4% chance MidGrade - 5% chance HighGrade - 7% chance TopGrade - 6% chance   GM shop weapon/armor/jwl (max C grade) shots/spiritshots (max C grade) mana potions (500 MP, 5s)     NPC buffer all buffs, songs, dances including 3rd prof + resists 1 hour duration all chars Buff Book in inventory     Global Gatekeeper all towns including cata/necro ToI 3/5/7/10th     Olympiad Thursday to Saturday 18:00 - 23:50 UTC+0 period 7 days no class participants min 5 base class participants min 10 max enchant +6     Class Transfer 1st class 50k adena 2nd class 500k adena 3rd class 20kk adena + 700 Halisha marks (tradeable)     Noblesse Quest Quest retail like. Moonstone Shards, Demons Blood etc. quest drop boosted     Subclass Quest To get the quest, you have to be 75+ on your main character (start Reorin in Giran) Bring item from Cabrio chest Bring items from Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda chests Bring this back to Reorin Bring 984 B-grade crystals and top B weapon to Reorin Get low A-grade weapon as reward Done , you can take subclass (up to 5) from any Master in town     Clans all clan members get clan skills (no need for titles) max clan slots 65, max ppl in PvP zone 63 leave/dismiss penalty 0 hours max clans in ally 3     Others   max 3 windows per HWID (only one in PvP zone) protection after teleport for 20 seconds arrows and spellbooks drop turned off weight limit 10x, stackable enchants and LS champions blue (5x HP) min level for trade = 40, chat = 20 BoM/MoM spawned in towns Edited November 1, 2024 by NevesOma
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    • 🔥 L2Gold.co x15 Interlude Server 2025 – Grand Opening! 🔥 Join us today and be part of the legendary L2Gold community! 🎉 Grand Opening: 14 March 2025 🎉 ⏰ Time: 21:00 GMT +2 🌍 Server Type: EURO PTS/L2OFF 🌟 Why Play on L2Gold.co? 🌟 ✅ No Wipes – Keep Your Progress Forever! Your characters and progress are permanent. No resets! ✅ Balanced & Fun Gameplay! Experience x15 rates for a smooth and enjoyable progression. ✅ Solo or Party Play Use MP potions and NPC buffers for a great solo experience or team up with friends. ✅ Long-Term Stability Our server is built to last with no interruptions! 📊 Server Rates & Details 📊 Category Rate EXP/SP x15 (Official rate without rune or VIP) Adena x10 (Official rate without rune or VIP) Drop x10 (Official rate without rune or VIP) Spoil x10 (Official rate without rune or VIP) Raid Boss Drop x10 (Official rate without rune or VIP) 🚀 Exciting New Features! 🚀 🎟️ 💰 Weekly Lottery System! – Win rare items, in-game currency, and exclusive rewards! 🎁 More Events & Rewards! – Special in-game activities with exclusive items! 📈 Real-Time Stats! – Track your progress, achievements, and rankings live! ⚔️ New Items Weekly! – Discover rare gear and unique items every week! 🌍 A Growing Global Community 🌍 Players from Greece 🇬🇷, Brazil 🇧🇷, Spain 🇪🇸, and beyond! 🔗 Stay Connected 🔗 Follow us on social media to stay updated! 🌎 Website: L2Gold.co 🎙️ Discord: Server 📘 Facebook: Page | Group 🎥 YouTube:   Watch Videos 🎵 TikTok: Follow Us 🔥 Prepare for Battle! 🔥 📅 The adventure begins on 14 March 2025! Join L2Gold.co and Experience an Unforgettable Adventure! 🎮✨
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