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interlude [L2J]Enigma


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Project 95% Ready. Last configurations. 

All functions, all NPCs work like a fine tuned clock.

We are glad to announce you that our Grand Opening will be at 03/07/2016 20.00 GMT+2!

We will be expecting you!



Startup system

Starting level: 80

Starting adena: 500kk

You can pickup S-Grade gear!





Basic Rates

Experience: 1200x

Skill Points: 1200x

Party Rates: (EXP/SP) 1.5x

Adena Drop Rate: 1300x 

Drop & Spoil Rate: Custom




Basic Features

S-Grade items for Adena.

A/S-Grade items for Adena, adena obtainable in custom zones.

Auto Loot: Enabled

Auto Loot Raid: Disabled

Auto Learn Skills: Enabled 

Weight Limit: Disabled

Grade penalty: Enabled

Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character

Subclass Without Quest: Enabled

Increased movement speed on all classes and pets!


Augments are 1+1.

25% Chance to get an augment.




Enchant Rates

Safe enchant +4.

Max enchant +20.

Normal Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +15): 65%.

Blessed Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +15): 100%.

Crystal Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +20): 100% .



Custom Items

Enigma Armor. [shop]

Enigma Weapons. [shop]

Enigma Mask's. [raids]

Enigma Tatto's. [shop]



Buff & Mana Potion

Buff Slot: 68+4

Debuff Slot: 3

Buff Time: about 3 hours

Mana Potion: 2s/delay



Noblesse System

You need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse.

- Varka's Hero Shadith (Black Crown)

- Varka's Commander Mos (Golden Crown)

- Ketra's Hero Hekaton (Red Crown)

- Ketra's Commander Tayr (Silver Crown)

Once you've collected all the items and your character is level 80, you can go to the Noblesse Manager NPC ''CATERINA'' who's located in Main Town, and become a Noblesse. 




Automatic events every 60 minutes.


? Team vs Team

The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins.


? Capture the Flag

Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins.


? Raid in the Middle

DeathMatch style with a raidboss in the middle, the party to kill the raidboss wins the Reward, so its recommanded to kill all your enemies first! 



Additional Information

Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles).

Tanks, Titans, Tyrants these classes can use Bow but when they use it they'r atk speed low -200.

No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids.

Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP).

Unique killing spree system.

Raid Boss announce.

Player spawn protection - 30 seconds

/unstuck - 15 seconds

Offline shop [add your shop and exit]

Offline Trade: Max 5 days

PVP Name Color Changes.

Auto server restart every 48h.

Player which have done the most damage to the monster will get the drop.



Fully working

Shift-click Mobs and view their Droplist. 

Champion mobs system

Retail Olympiad - One week period

Siege's system [ only Aden & Giran ]

Clan system


Offline Shop system



Additional player commands

.deposit - You can change 100kk Adena to Gold Coin.

.withdraw - You can change Gold Coin to 100kk Adena.

.menu - Personal character menu.

/register - Register to the Event.

/unregister - Unregister from Event.


.getvotebuff - you can use this comand if u have 15Vote Coins, it gived to you a buff with special stats.





Epic Bosses

Core: 24 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Orfen: 24 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Queen Ant: 20 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Zaken: 24 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Baium: 72 hours/ Random + - 1 hour

Antharas: 120 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Valakas: 144 hours/ Random + - 2 hour

Frintezza: 40 hours/ Random + - 1 hour




Ram : 32GB










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After one day on this server,


Farm is boring, always the same, coins for buy customs weapons/armors/blessed enchants(100%) ..but for sure not epics jewels(need vote coins) !

Maps are boring, always the same, primeval isle(for pvp too) for earn hight/top ls and much farming coins..


The first day, no geodata http://prntscr.com/bopzsp description on custom weapons aren't finish http://prntscr.com/boq02z.


About donators ? The first day, there was an player who destroyed us named "fane", he was in the top pvp http://prntscr.com/bopt6d, and his clan, in top clan http://prntscr.com/bopu14. Why ? Because of this http://prntscr.com/bopusc so with full epics and gear +20 for sure ! A old player(from L2Golden) came to me and said me that "fane" on L2Golden was like a GM char, and well it's the same at this time. Also, he watched him, like me and saw this http://prntscr.com/bopvyw. His own clan thought this too http://prntscr.com/bopxd7.


Raidbosses are cool but, they respawn so fast. So no PVP and if you got a clan who zerg a lot, it's easy to farm them.


Well to sum up, in one day boring, maybe corrumption(50% sure), no fun, waste of time and have like 50 peoples or less.

Edited by Keyron
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