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Wts Accounts Items/core Server

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I hate fucking l2, i lost my time and my money i sell all acounts 


1 Acount 20PA days = isell x 2PAprice 18€

Othell Foortune Seeker    lv 96 50% Set Seraph ligth +3 60 elemet Dual Apo +4 300 Death/Hunter Twiligth set jewell 

2 Acount 20PA days = isell x 2PAprice 18€

Iss Spectral Dancer          lv 95 50% Set Twiligth ligth +3 60 Shadow DualSword +3 Immortal Event jewell i sell x 2PA 18€

3 Acount = isell x 3PAprice               27€

Tyr Dreadnought               lv 88 89% all immortal event

Aeore Cardinal                  lv 96 50%/Dual 85 Feoh Strom Screamer/75/55 set seraph no weapon no set jewell

Tyr Maestro                       lv 87 89% all imortal event Apocalypse Slasher + Shadow Weapon

Destroyer                          lv 61 zaken...

4 Account = isell x 2PAprice        18€

Yul Ghost Sentinel            lv 92 92%/75/68 All immortal event talisman Hellfire


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350.000.0000 adenas 

227 Freya Frozen Scrollss x 13.000.000 = 2.951.000.000 adenas

fortune bag lv 3 83 x 3.000.0000 = 249.000.000 adenas

2 code l2Adrenaline 20 days 

Total 3.550.000.000 x 0.000017 = 60€

only sell all together


Im spanish 

skype man.man3581 or pm here

Edited by troternsk
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