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Topsites Api?

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I had nothing better to do on a Sunday morning (my life sucks i know) so i starting making a pretty clean and to the point topsite template.


Preview: http://l2serverzone.azurewebsites.net/ (Free azure hosting is pretty slow especially when your free db is in the US and your server in EU)


I am at the point of implementing either the "My Server" and "Add new Server" pages or do some API work.


My question is, you are server admins, what other tools you would find handy except from the basic has voted check based on IP?

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Error free at least breaks 50% of times

Did you even read what i asked? debugging is not my concern atm.

Even though it doesn't break for me. (When it breaks on a proper host, i will worry about it)

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There are already a lot of top sites you can get ideas from, not L2 related only. They can make suggestions once you offer something completed.

Btw, how is it going with your L2DotNET? :lol:

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There are already a lot of top sites you can get ideas from, not L2 related only. They can make suggestions once you offer something completed.

Btw, how is it going with your L2DotNET? :lol:

Indeed but not all the ideas are applicable to l2.


As for the project, it goes fine. I have about 10 commits to review from contributors later this afternoon.

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Put your imagination on, so you can make something different by combining others' ideas. That is how the business works.

Take your bra off, so you can show off something different... :3

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Put your imagination on, so you can make something different by combining others' ideas. That is how the business works.

The thing is i will have to write code for the different packs if i want things like automatic reward on vote etc, something i really don't wanna do (cuz im lazy).

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The thing is i will have to write code for the different packs if i want things like automatic reward on vote etc, something i really don't wanna do (cuz im lazy).

Or you let the server owner do that. Or you charge it, moar money yay.


An API from that site should be enough.

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Or you let the server owner do that. Or you charge it, moar money yay.


An API from that site should be enough.

Btw i found that error you where talking about xD

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