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50 Euros For Service?



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Ok, we need to edit:







With what tools/program?


you don't need to edit either of these

delete the person who told you that you do because they are just wasting time by giving random info

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Ok, lets assume that,

this current approach is not the correct one.
The one  that envolves edtiting the dlls.

In your view, Donald Trump 2016 about this implementation,
Can you give me a detailed kinda guide on how to do it, that i can understand, and be able to tell my current developer?

The problems that appened wtill now, was, when mounting the fenir was invisivel dont appear.
And then was similar to the above, when mounting the fenir, the strider appear.

I'm not good at programming or understanding much, that's why i try to get others to do it in echange for money.
So at least give me some detailed information, that i can tell to the other guy?


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You can always replace original strider textures with custom.


and that means replacing lineageMonster(+tex).............


Ok, lets assume that,

this current approach is not the correct one.

The one  that envolves edtiting the dlls.


In your view, Donald Trump 2016 about this implementation,

Can you give me a detailed kinda guide on how to do it, that i can understand, and be able to tell my current developer?


The problems that appened wtill now, was, when mounting the fenir was invisivel dont appear.

And then was similar to the above, when mounting the fenir, the strider appear.


I'm not good at programming or understanding much, that's why i try to get others to do it in echange for money.

So at least give me some detailed information, that i can tell to the other guy?




its not a assumption that editing dll is straight up retarded


-get ucc

-get umodel

-get patched unreal

-export lineage monster 4(+tex) for great wolf texture/mesh

-import great wolf stuff

-get whatever that things called which can export/read unreal script (forgot its name)

-export lineage monster u from system

- find strider script

- see how its done

- create new script

- add stuff which makes sets the mesh of strider

- compile

-change npcgrp

-adjust great wolf accordingly



maybe i missed something but I'm on my big journey away from the junkyard aka maxcheaters

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and that means replacing lineageMonster(+tex).............



its not a assumption that editing dll is straight up retarded


-get ucc

-get umodel

-get patched unreal

-export lineage monster 4(+tex) for great wolf texture/mesh

-import great wolf stuff

-get whatever that things called which can export/read unreal script (forgot its name)

-export lineage monster u from system

- find strider script

- see how its done

- create new script

- add stuff which makes sets the mesh of strider

- compile

-change npcgrp

-adjust great wolf accordingly



maybe i missed something but I'm on my big journey away from the junkyard aka maxcheaters


Just test it yourself, whatever u write in that new script it won't work on mounting. Textures for wolf are good, but when u try to mount him it always uses lineagemonster.stride , because there are just 2 types of riding in interlude, 1-strider, 2-wyvern, it's written in engine.u and engine.dll has a mesh for mounting. So u can do whatever u want with other files it always reads lineagemonster.strider. Alwayyyys. It means u can use only 1 texture for all mountings. h5 has different system. So please try first, before saying it's easy.


Textures is easy, mounting is easy if u can edit engine.u and engine.dll , that's it and try it if u just don't believe.


This one works on textures, doesn't on mounting, it always uses strider for mounting. http://prnt.sc/b9emrg

Edited by Beliefer
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so why does it work perfectly when i did it LOL

If u change class strider textures it works, but u can't mount strider correctly. U can have only one ride mount in c6, that's what textures editor said, I'm not texture editor, but he explained everything. ^^  So that video doesn't prove anything. Why u just don't sell it if u can? Strange.

Edited by Beliefer
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If u change class strider textures it works, but u can't mount strider correctly. U can have only one ride mount in c6, that's what textures editor said, I'm not texture editor, but he explained everything. ^^  So that video doesn't prove anything. Why u just don't sell it if u can? Strange.


what does that even mean? LOL 

when i mount the new npc why is it not a strider if thats the case?

that video proves that the retard you communicate with is full of shit and my method works as expected

i don't sell l2 stuff because i don't feel like packaging it for people also i don't care about pocket change but if people want to buy the utx/ukx or whatever only i will sell it

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what does that even mean? LOL 

when i mount the new npc why is it not a strider if thats the case?

that video proves that the retard you communicate with is full of shit and my method works as expected

i don't sell l2 stuff because i don't feel like packaging it for people also i don't care about pocket change but if people want to buy the utx/ukx or whatever only i will sell it

No, I mean I can mount whatever I want, but have only one mount. For example if u mount wolf, u can't mount strider with striders texture. Anyway if u don't sell it, I won't believe in u, whatever u show here, u just talking trash, and I'm not into it anymore,  it's just wasting of time.

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Donald Trump 2016

In your example there, with the car.
You can "mount" the car i assume, but in that server, you have also strider?
You can summon the strider and mount it?
with the correct texture etc, or it shows the car?

I mean, have you more than one mount? like the strider the fenir and that car, or have only changed one for example the strider have that texture when you mount the strider?

Because what i am trying to do, is completly implement the fenir as another mount , not replace and existing one in my case strider for the fenir.

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No, I mean I can mount whatever I want, but have only one mount. For example if u mount wolf, u can't mount strider with striders texture. Anyway if u don't sell it, I won't believe in u, whatever u show here, u just talking trash, and I'm not into it anymore,  it's just wasting of time.


it coexists with strider AND wyvern and they work fine

why do i need to sell it? how does that prove it works? it's a waste of my time to even try and talk to greek scum who end up flaking or lowballing

what a fucking moron lmao you don't know shit and you try and refute with some kind of ooga-booga gibberish in a poor attempt save face

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