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[Guide]Modify chat

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I will present here some things u can change at the chat like colour :


Download L2_EncDec export systemmsg-e.dat. It will export it in to txt file open it than u will see 6 letter and number codes like this


44 1 Critical hit! 1 B09B79 0 0 0 0 0 battle                                       <--------B09B79 is the color code change that code to the color u whant.




44 1 Critical hit! 1 FF0000 0 0 0 0 0 battle                                         <--------If u make it like this it will be red



44 1 God Damn Thats Dmg!!!! 1 FF0000 0 0 0 0 0 battle                      <-------- U can change the name of the msg also


you can find HTML colours with a search at google!!




EDIT: plz move topic at client modifications i pressed wrong section by mistake

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CAn you tell in what number is the sentance who is in the log in.There who you rite id and pasword there down sasy sth i want to change it can you tell me in what number is?

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you can find HTML colours with a search at google!!


Can u give us the link of the html colors? ;/ i use search and didnt found anything


Ty nice share

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