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Utx Problem [Help]


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Hello, i have problem with utx image converter.



1-step.  I make logo for npc   1.tga

 2-step.  i trying add that image tu UE2 but i ger error :/


Whats wrong? :) 





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As the error says, the image size must be "2 to the power of n". In your case the image size is 251x54 while it must be 256x64.


Here you go a calculator http://www.rapidtables.com/calc/math/Exponent_Calculator.htm :P

Edited by SweeTs
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Here is image folder with names: 








Here is Htm file:

Lineage][StinkyMadness GM Shop
<font color="003366" align="center">___________________________________________</font>
<img src=enc-Editor height=256 width=256></td>
<font color="003366" align="center">___________________________________________</font> 
<table width=200>
		<td align=center>
<font color="003366" align="center">___________________________________________</font>
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<img src=enc-Editor


What more to say? You only have an file name, without the IMAGE TO DISPLAY, nothing more. In addition you miss " ".



<img src="L2UI.SquareGray" width="250" height="1">

Also, rename your file to Editor, remove enc-.

Edited by SweeTs
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You really want to pay for something that you can do alone?


  • encrypt file
  • rename back to "default name" aka remove "enc-"
  • paste inside systextures
  • use proper utx and image name Editor.logo
  • profit

Else, you facked up the name while creating new utx file, package and name must be the same.

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You really want to pay for something that you can do alone?


  • encrypt file
  • rename back to "default name" aka remove "enc-"
  • paste inside systextures
  • use proper utx and image name Editor.logo
  • profit

Else, you facked up the name while creating new utx file, package and name must be the same.

I make that again,but same shit....:(

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Yep same shit,black window .... :( 

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