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[WTS] Perfectly working C5 L2off files


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as the subject says, I'm selling awesome C5 extender made by me.

Files are far more better than the Fr3dbr ext. To be honest, you can't even compare them to the azure (old supreme) server. There is only one server running on them - my own (almost 1k players) I'm going to leave the l2 scene soon and im taking the opportunity and make as much profit as i can.

Files include everything, with scipts, sql update and so on and so forth.


The price is 500$ (it's not too high, nor too low. it's a honest price for the massive work i put into this project)

If you find this advertisment interesting please contact me for further informations.

oh yes. I didn't mention what the extension including. Believe it or not - everything from C5 chronicle based on the retail.




for those who have some doubts, here's the screen of the source:


and features of this ext. beneath


Extender features:



- Backstab avoiding CP

- Lethal strike's effect 1(CP = 1 for Player Character/ 1/2 HP for mobs) and 2(CP= 1, HP=1 for Player Character, 1 HP for mobs)

- Gladiator/Tyrant fixed (takes only requied amount of charges)

- Trick/Switch/ Stun shot effect can be resisted (losing a target) as well as Aggression

- Mana burn affected by m.def/m.atk/target lvl/ skill lvl/ sps/bsps

- Summon Friend with asking box

- Cancel removes randomly max 5 buffs

- Working Erase (despawns summons if lands)

- Working Betray (summon will attack his master if lands)

- Divine Inspiration skill increases max buff slots (up to 24 buff slots)


Clan System:

- Available up to 8 clan lvl (6/7/8 can be bought for reputation points)

- Subpledge (Academy/RoyalGuard/Order of Knight can be created by NPC)

- Clan Skills can be bought for reputation points

- Clan Ranks (Vagabond/Vasal/Heir/Baron/ Marquis etc)


24 buff slots with additional 10 slots for debuffs

Hero skills

Zariche System

Herb System

Max player lvl is 80

Full C5 items, mobs and drops (based on http://lineage.pmfun.com/) areas, geo, as well as multisells, npcs, partial of quests etc.


Olympiad Changes:

- Time for preparing to the match has been increased to 60 seconds

- Match time has been increased to 360 seconds

- If player relogin before match starts he will lose points

- If player will be overweight before match starts he will lose points

- If match ends in tie then both player will lose 1/3 of their points


New Gm Commands related to new C5 stuff

and many other minor things and fixes I have forgotten.



- Amped & Depmax working

- Own fixes for new exploits depmax no longer cover

- Special packet crypting to avoid hlapex/l2phx addons. (very sufficient, almost unbreakable)

- OGG antibot

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New user, with 1 post trying to sell anything.


Scam suspected, may i can be wrong,




i am sorry but you are not here to judge other ppl ... if he scams , proof it and i will report him .. i dont care what he wanna do because i never tried l2off ...


topic unlocked ..


Ps : i dont have nothing with both of you .. steve if you can proof it pm me or post here

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New user, with 1 post trying to sell anything.


Scam suspected, may i can be wrong,




Dear "great user" with 11 posts and -2 karma.

I dont have to be a member of this community to have a right to advertise here on forum.

nobody can prove neither I am telling the truth, or trying to scam.

I'm willing to run my files on my own box for testing purposes, for those who are truly interested.


p.s 1st post updated.

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