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Update :


Every new player 20 level until 52 they will get adena boosted in their character... so they will be able to buy C grades and B grades easier ;)


this faction will remain for 5 days


Suggested by Smile Thank you :)

Nice one mate, i like that!

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Update :


Every new player 20 level until 52 they will get adena boosted in their character... so they will be able to buy C grades and B grades easier ;)


this faction will remain for 5 days


Suggested by Smile Thank you :)

Great addition for server start.

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still no info about beta? we need to test your epic server :P

Dont say big words.we 'll see if its epic when it goes live.Hope community or ddos not to dissapoint us :d

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still no info about beta? we need to test your epic server :P

Its not a epic server its a normal server like others , i never said its epic

ofc we will try our best 



Dont say big words.we 'll see if its epic when it goes live.Hope community or ddos not to dissapoint us :D



we will not open beta already some clans tested things

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Undersec i just looked again the features and i saw an anti-bot feature witch i hope it works.Can you give us some info about what anti-bot you use if you want?

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still no info about beta? we need to test your epic server :P

Milfs will be in this server too?

Best server.eune


Insta join 100%.

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Milfs will be in this server too?

Best server.eune


Insta join 100%.

I think thas gonna be a good feature too.Imagine a lineage milf-undersec server xD.all ppl wpuld play to meet those girls and whu not an event with the winner drinking a milf-shake. :d

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Undersec i just looked again the features and i saw an anti-bot feature witch i hope it works.Can you give us some info about what anti-bot you use if you want?

we are using the latest update from l2jguard protection...


ofc to avoid adrenaline we are using capcha system 


if someone detected with bot insta HWID ban including ;)



Best server.eune


Insta join 100%.

thk  you :)


I think thas gonna be a good feature too.Imagine a lineage milf-undersec server xD.all ppl wpuld play to meet those girls and whu not an event with the winner drinking a milf-shake. :D


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we are using the latest update from l2jguard protection...


ofc to avoid adrenaline we are using capcha system 


lol,captcha is nothing against adrenaline.You'll see what i mean :P (i believe most adrenaline users know how to by pass captchas). Anyway wait for this.

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can i have your version plz? :D i want to try it

You can try whatever version you want dude,will work,it's just a file you need to replace to defeat capthcas's :D

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You can try whatever version you want dude,will work,it's just a file you need to replace to defeat capthcas's :D

Edit: Script exist too. :),do a lil research 

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You can try whatever version you want dude,will work,it's just a file you need to replace to defeat capthcas's :D

adrenaline not work.. only premium and we already have a way to rework the capthca ;)


5 days left guys

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