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AimForce Hacks
Loader Shield
Rank Up Faster
In Game Menu (Mouse Controll On-Off)
Super Radar (Always See Where The Enemy Is On The Map)
All Hacks Never Been Detected 
Operating System:
Win10 x64-x32
Win 8-8.1 x64-x32
Win7 x64-x32

- Killer Aimbot No Way
Other websites have aimbots but we have something better! Because FairFight and the anti-cheat technology will get you banned fast we have a firing bot that only fires in a random sequence when your crosshair is over the enemy, helping to keep you safe!

- Full ESP Options
Always see the enemy anywhere on the map, the ESP enables multiple sighting features on both Infantry and Vehicles. ESP options include boxes, names, health, distance and more. With this feature you'll have the tactical advantage in any battle.

- No, No and None
Turn off everything on the map to help you play better. No sky, no sun, or smoke! This helps you to locate the enemy quicker from a distance or up close. This is particularly useful because each enemy shows up fast on the dark background, this makes it easier for you to dial in that head for a headshot kill.

- No Fog
What's one of the worst things about levolution in BF4? It's horrible when a huge building collapses and the entire map is covered in smoke or fog. Just open our cheat menu and click one button and it's all gone. If you really want to get a clear eye on the Battlefield this option rocks.

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at IWC. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP, Ammo/Medic Kit ESP, C4/Claymore/Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes
Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- 2D Radar
Shows all players/vehicles, Configurable Colors, Configurable Zoom/Scale Factor, Configurable Position

- Crosshair
Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Removals
No Spread(does not shake!), works both with and without the aimbot, No Recoil, works both with and without the aimbot, No Sway, removes sniper sway, Screenshot Mode, remove all visuals (panic button)

- Warnings
Proximity Alert, Configurable Distance, Aiming At Your Warnings, Configurable for Visible / NotVisible Targets, Show Player Weapon

- Auto Knife
Will knife players automatically, Configurable Distance

- Auto Fire
Will fire at players following a strict set of rules, hit guaranteed, Configurable target max speed, Configurable target max acceleration, Configurable max distance

- Profile System
Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat
Clean Screenshots, Clean Videos, Safe
- Exclusive Features
We just added a new vault jump, this allows you to go up to any wall or building, press jump and get on top of the building. This means you can access areas you usually don't have access to on every map. We also added player chams, this makes all the player models glow!

- Killer Aimbot No Way
Other websites have aimbots but we have something better! Because FairFight and the anti-cheat technology will get you banned fast we have a firing bot that only fires in a random sequence when your crosshair is over the enemy, helping to keep you safe! Note: Aimbot is still under testing and will release to all VIP members soon!

- Full ESP Options
Always see the enemy anywhere on the map, the ESP enables multiple sighting features on both Infantry and Vehicles. ESP options include boxes, names, health, distance and more. With this feature you'll have the tactical advantage in any battle.

- No, No and None
Turn off everything on the map to help you play better. No sky, no sun, or smoke! This helps you to locate the enemy quicker from a distance or up close. This is particularly useful because each enemy shows up fast on the dark background, this makes it easier for you to dial in that head for a headshot kill.

- No Fog
What's one of the worst things about levolution in BF4? It's horrible when a huge building collapses and the entire map is covered in smoke or fog. Just open our cheat menu and click one button and it's all gone. If you really want to get a clear eye on the Battlefield this option rocks.

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at IWC. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP, Ammo/Medic Kit ESP, C4/Claymore/Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes
Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- 2D Radar
Shows all players/vehicles, Configurable Colors, Configurable Zoom/Scale Factor, Configurable Position

- Crosshair
Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Removals
No Spread(does not shake!), works both with and without the aimbot, No Recoil, works both with and without the aimbot, No Sway, removes sniper sway, Screenshot Mode, remove all visuals (panic button)

- Warnings
Proximity Alert, Configurable Distance, Aiming At Your Warnings, Configurable for Visible / NotVisible Targets, Show Player Weapon

- Auto Knife
Will knife players automatically, Configurable Distance

- Auto Fire
Will fire at players following a strict set of rules, hit guaranteed, Configurable target max speed, Configurable target max acceleration, Configurable max distance

- Profile System
Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat
Clean Screenshots, Clean Videos, Safe



- Auto Fire Aimbot

Let the bot do all the work for you and watch the enemy players die faster.. The bot will detect any enemy player that can be hit and kill them before you or the enemy has any idea what just happened. If you don't want the bot to kill for you simply turn it off and use an aimbot key to activate the aimbot. If your really good just use ESP and turn the aimbot off, you have so many options to choose from.

- Full ESP Options
Enables multiple ESP features on the enemy and always know where every single player is coming from so you have the added advantage. ESP options include boxes, names, health, distance, weapons and more. With this feature, you'll have the tactical advantage in any battle.

- Auto Knife
Want to get up close and snuggle with the enemy player? We really didn't think so, that's why our auto knife will kill any enemy player that gets too close to you. You can run up behind any enemy and the knife comes out and kills them when the distance is close enough. Want to do nothing but knife kills? We enable the fun with this option.

- Best Anti-Cheat
With over 7 years of Call of Duty coding experience your in safe hands when it comes to playing Ghosts. We add extra security that no other site has included in their cheat to help you stay safe when you hack. 

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at IWC. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

- Aimbot
Bullet Drop Correction, Movement Prediction, Frame Compensation, Aim point, Auto-Switch Target Toggle, Visible Targets Only Toggle, Configurable Max Distance, Configurable Aim Angle, Configurable Prediction Limit, Configurable Aim Bones, Critical Distance(targets within this distance take priority over others), Visibility Checks, Penetration Checks, Smart Target Selection

Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP, Ammo/Medic Kit ESP, C4/Claymore/Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes
Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- 2D Radar
Shows all players/vehicles, Configurable Colors, Configurable Zoom/Scale Factor, Configurable Position

- Crosshair
Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Removals
No Spread(does not shake!), works both with and without the aimbot, No Recoil, works both with and without the aimbot, No Sway, removes sniper sway, Screenshot Mode, remove all visuals (panic button)

- Warnings
Proximity Alert, Configurable Distance, Aiming At Your Warnings, Configurable for Visible / NotVisible Targets, Show Player Weapon

- Auto Knife
Will knife players automatically, Configurable Distance

- Auto Fire
Will fire at players following a strict set of rules, hit guaranteed, Configurable target max speed, Configurable target max acceleration, Configurable max distance

- Profile System
Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat
Clean Screenshots, Clean Videos, Safe

InfestationSurvival Stories-H1Z1-FEATURES:



- ZOMBIE SERIES Bonus Features
Leave the Scene: Turn our bot on auto and walk away from the PC
Super Stealth: Teleport behind a player before you kill them
Speed Hack: Allows you to run/fly as fast as you want
No Clip: Let's you fly around the map and through objects
Teleport Hack: Teleport to move faster on the map
No Falling Damage: Jump, drop or fall with no damage at all

Bullet Drop Correction: Fixes the bullet so it doesn't drop
Moving Prediction: Bullet follows a player's movement after it's fired
Frame Rate Fix: Checks users frame rate and fires correctly
Crosshair Aim: Crosshair point stays on screen for you
Auto-Switch: Changes to the next closest target automatically
Visible Target Toggle: Turn on/off to show only visible targets
Configurable distance for players and zombies
Configure aim bones to aim at head, body or limbs
Configure targets to fire at closest or the most dangerous
Zombie Lock: Lock on and fire at any zombies automatically
Auto Fire: Let's the Aimbot fire and kill
Smart Bot: Allows the bot to target enemy players for you
OPK: One position kill to teleport players to you

Names: This shows you the names of every players
Distance: Shows you how far away items, players and zombies are
Health: Displays the current health of people, animals, zombies
Skeleton: Shows the skeleton and bone structure of players
Smiley Face: Puts a funny smiley face on all zombies or players
Directional Lines: Draws a line from you to the enemy
Configurable colors: Over one million different color variations

Weapons: All weapons are marked for easier location
Ammo: All ammo is marked for easier locating
Zombie: See all zombies at all times
Players: See every player at all times
Animals: see and locate all animals
Vehicles: See and located all vehicles
Items: All items marked at all times
Configurable: Adjust distance so only close items are shown

- ZOMBIE SERIES Bounding Box ESP 3D or 2D
Player Boxes: Places a box around every player
Zombie Boxes: Places a box around all zombies
Configurable: Change from 3D to 2D and select colors
Change When Locked: Box color changes with Aimbot lock on

Radar shows all players, zombies, and objects
Configure colors for every item
Zoom: Allows you to zoom in or out
Position: Allows you to move the radar screen

Permanent crosshair displayed on the center of the screen
Turn On/Off in the menu at any time during play
Color: Change to any color you like
Size: Change to any size you like
Type: Select from a variety of crosshairs

- Removals
No Recoil: Makes it so weapons no longer move when fired
No Spread: All bullets hit dead center
No Sky: Removes the sky
No Smoke: Removes all smoke

- Warnings
Proximity Alert: Tells you when a player or zombie is near
Distance Change: Set to warn at the distance you like
Aim Warnings: Alerts you to other players aiming at you
Explosive: Warns you of explosive objects

- Buddy and Enemy List
Friends: Add friends to the list so the aimbot won't target them
Kill List: Add names to this list to keep going after that player

- ZOMBIE SERIES Hack Profiles
Save: Setup profiles and different settings and save
Load: Load any of three different load outs you setup
Delet All: Delete settings and start all over
Auto-Load on Start: Loads up the last settings you used

- Full Cheat Loader
In Game Menu: Open with the push of a button and use on the fly
Mouse Configurable: Click and check buttons with the mouse
Save Settings: Setup any of the 40 features and save


InfestationSurvival Stories FairFight ( + Screenshot cleaner).
InfestationSurvival Stories  Punkbuster.
Sony AntiCheat Undetected: The H1Z1 hack is undetected
Stealth Code: Extra code exclusive to us that keeps you safe
Clean Screen: Cleans the screenshots so hacks aren't shown



- Exclusive Features
We just added a new vault jump, this allows you to go up to any wall or building, press jump and get on top of the building. This means you can access areas you usually don't have access to on every map. We also added player chams, this makes all the player models glow!

- Killer Aimbot No Way
Other websites have aimbots but we have something better! Because FairFight and the anti-cheat technology will get you banned fast we have a firing bot that only fires in a random sequence when your crosshair is over the enemy, helping to keep you safe! Note: Aimbot is still under testing and will release to all VIP members soon!

- Full ESP Options
Always see the enemy anywhere on the map, the ESP enables multiple sighting features on both Infantry and Vehicles. ESP options include boxes, names, health, distance and more. With this feature you'll have the tactical advantage in any battle.

- No, No and None
Turn off everything on the map to help you play better. No sky, no sun, or smoke! This helps you to locate the enemy quicker from a distance or up close. This is particularly useful because each enemy shows up fast on the dark background, this makes it easier for you to dial in that head for a headshot kill.

- No Fog
What's one of the worst things about levolution in BF4? It's horrible when a huge building collapses and the entire map is covered in smoke or fog. Just open our cheat menu and click one button and it's all gone. If you really want to get a clear eye on the Battlefield this option rocks.

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at IWC. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP,, /Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes
Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- 2D Radar
Shows all players/vehicles, Configurable Colors, Configurable Zoom/Scale Factor, Configurable Position

- Crosshair
Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Removals
No Spread(does not shake!), works both with and without the aimbot, No Recoil, works both with and without the aimbot, No Sway, removes sniper sway, Screenshot Mode, remove all visuals (panic button)

- Warnings
Proximity Alert, Configurable Distance, Aiming At Your Warnings, Configurable for Visible / NotVisible Targets, Show Player Weapon

- Auto Knife
Will knife players automatically, Configurable Distance

- Auto Fire
Will fire at players following a strict set of rules, hit guaranteed, Configurable target max speed, Configurable target max acceleration, Configurable max distance

- Profile System
Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat
Clean Screenshots, Clean Videos, Safe




- Full ESP
Don't you hate it when you're running around the map looking for the enemy and someone comes from above? We make things easier with full ESP, our hack draws a box around every player and even shows you how far away they are. You can plan your attacks and escape easier always knowing where every Titan is located.

- Player & Item ESP
Using our item ESP we display every weapon, player names, etc so you never have to hunt for them again. You can also always see other players in the server at all times so they can't sneak up and kill you for fun.

- Best Anti Cheat
With over 7 years of coding experience your in safe hands when it comes to playing CSGO. We add extra security that no other site has included in their cheat to help you stay safe when you hack. 

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at aimforce. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

- Aimbot: Bullet Drop Correction, Movement Prediction, Frame Compensation, Aim point, Auto-Switch Target Toggle, Visible Targets Only Toggle, Configurable Max Distance, Configurable Aim Angle, Configurable Prediction Limit, Configurable Aim Bones, Critical Distance(targets within this distance take priority over others), Visibility Checks, Penetration Checks, Smart Target Selection

- ESP: Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP, Ammo/Medic Kit ESP, C4/Claymore/Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes: Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- Crosshair: Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Profile System: Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat: Clean Screenshots(STEAM,F12), Clean Videos, VAC3-CEVO-ESL-FACEIT Safe





- Full ESP
Don't you hate it when you're running around the map looking for the enemy and someone comes from above? We make things easier with full ESP, our hack draws a box around every player,dino and even shows you how far away they are. You can plan your attacks and escape easier always knowing where every Titan is located.

- Player & Item ESP-DINO
Using our item ESP we display every weapon, player names, etc so you never have to hunt for them again. You can also always see other players in the server at all times so they can't sneak up and kill you for fun.

- Best Anti Cheat
With over 7 years of coding experience your in safe hands when it comes to playing ARK. We add extra security that no other site has included in their cheat to help you stay safe when you hack. 

- Save and Play
All the features can be adjusted on the fly in the game using our menu, this allows you to change any settings fast with one click of your mouse. We also give you 4 save slots so you can setup different cheat configurations.

- Major Features
These are some of the other features you can find with some of our cheats here at aimforce. All cheats have a different feature set, but this is what we work on to put in every cheat.

- Aimbot: Bullet Drop Correction, Movement Prediction, Frame Compensation, Aim point, Auto-Switch Target Toggle, Visible Targets Only Toggle, Configurable Max Distance, Configurable Aim Angle, Configurable Prediction Limit, Configurable Aim Bones, Critical Distance(targets within this distance take priority over others), Visibility Checks, Penetration Checks, Smart Target Selection

- ESP: Show player names, Show player class, Show player weapon, Show player health, Show player skeleton, Bullet ESP, Ammo/Medic Kit ESP, C4/Claymore/Explosives ESP, Barrel ESP, Configurable Team Colors(visible, not visible), Configurable Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)

- Boxes: Player Boxes, Custom Health Bar, Configurable for Team and/or Enemy

- Crosshair: Configurable Color, Configurable Size, Configurable Structure

- Profile System: Save Settings, Load Settings, Delete Settings, Auto-Load Settings

- Anti-Cheat: Clean Screenshots(STEAM,F12), Clean Videos, VAC3

Edited by AimForce

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