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Posted (edited)

Sorry about that, i must have miss clicked, there are some error logs samples from different dates.

The problem is hard to point, sometimes it didn't restart for 12h+ , sometimes it restarted twich in 10 minutes.

We are using vang latest interlude version



 l2server sample error 

07/09/2015 20:00:27.993, [IODeadlockChecker] Switching threadId[9016] -> [9232] index[6] -> [2] CurrentTick[522205375] LastTick[522200375]
07/09/2015 20:01:18.290, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[WTSEnchants] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:01:59.696, Auth Kick (4224)(7)(xxxxx)
07/09/2015 20:01:59.696, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436461319], [4224][xxxx1]
07/09/2015 20:01:59.696, Auth Kick (4224)(1226861135)(xxxx)
07/09/2015 20:02:49.368, Auth Kick (6456)(7)(xxxx)
07/09/2015 20:02:49.368, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436461369], [6456][xxxx]
07/09/2015 20:02:49.368, Auth Kick (6456)(1215356531)(Vanir)
07/09/2015 20:02:58.821, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[xxx] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:05:41.290, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[xxx] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:05:59.540, invalid user. .\AgitHtml.cpp, 931
07/09/2015 20:08:08.228, Auth Kick (3069)(7)(rysia12)
07/09/2015 20:08:08.228, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][xxx] already set close timer. [1436461688], [3069][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:08:08.228, Auth Kick (3069)(1230029208)(Elisabeth)
07/09/2015 20:08:28.510, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[xxx] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:08:52.181, Auth Kick (3945)(7)(l2azure777)
07/09/2015 20:08:52.181, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436461732], [3945][xxxx]
07/09/2015 20:08:52.181, Auth Kick (3945)(1235288732)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:09:21.056, do not have agit. .\AgitHtml.cpp, 186
07/09/2015 20:10:45.963, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[xxx] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:16:41.401, Auth Kick (6807)(7)(tsatsar1)
07/09/2015 20:16:41.401, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462201], [6807][xxx1]
07/09/2015 20:16:41.401, Auth Kick (6807)(1227929235)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:17:22.104, Auth Kick (4787)(7)(sxxx1)
07/09/2015 20:17:22.104, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462242], [4787][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:17:22.104, Auth Kick (4787)(1245776728)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:18:34.979, Auth Kick (3982)(7)(xxxx)
07/09/2015 20:18:34.979, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462314], [3982][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:18:34.979, Auth Kick (3982)(1236321285)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:18:47.511, [COfflineShop::ManageCloseTimer] User[xxx] is offline shopping.
07/09/2015 20:19:00.370, Auth Kick (4536)(7)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:19:00.370, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462340], [4536][qqlfybkafhv]
07/09/2015 20:19:00.370, Auth Kick (4536)(1244729375)(MissFrance)
07/09/2015 20:20:11.339, Auth Kick (3820)(7)(tritoras)
07/09/2015 20:20:11.339, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462411], [3820][tritoras]
07/09/2015 20:20:11.339, Auth Kick (3820)(1233145378)(Venice)
07/09/2015 20:20:26.433, Auth Kick (6141)(7)(suport01)
07/09/2015 20:20:26.433, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462426], [6141][xxx1]
07/09/2015 20:20:26.433, Auth Kick (6141)(1253109946)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:26.792, Auth Kick (4785)(7)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:26.792, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462426], [4785][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:20:26.792, Auth Kick (4785)(1241573909)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:36.230, Auth Kick (5826)(7)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:36.230, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462436], [5826][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:20:36.230, Auth Kick (5826)(1219506989)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:55.573, Auth Kick (3645)(7)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:20:55.573, [d:\work\l2server\usersocket.h][652] already set close timer. [1436462455], [3645][xxx]
07/09/2015 20:20:55.573, Auth Kick (3645)(1220607346)(xxx)
07/09/2015 20:21:43.636, Count of removed pet=[1]
07/09/2015 20:21:43.683, npc socket close 7f65c(7ec01e84)  error(64)
07/09/2015 20:21:43.683, 2303
07/09/2015 20:21:43.683, 1079
07/09/2015 20:21:43.745, NPC Removing!!!  7469
07/09/2015 20:21:43.745, NPC Removing!!!  7470 

 sample from crash 1

07/09/2015 21:34:29.410, [rune15_2216_01] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [16 / 15]
07/09/2015 21:34:29.410, [rune15_2216_01] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [16 / 15]
07/09/2015 21:34:29.410, [rune15_2216_01] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [16 / 15]
07/09/2015 21:35:20.988, MakerLog(                rune08_2215_50)'s (  84296,  -90987,   -2768) [brilliant_anguish] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:05.832, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186280, -113024,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:05.832, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186280, -113024,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:05.832, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186280, -113024,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:05.832, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186280, -113024,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:05.832, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186280, -113024,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:07.082, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186294, -113041,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:07.082, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186294, -113041,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:07.082, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186294, -113041,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.
07/09/2015 21:36:07.082, MakerLog(              godard08_2514_20)'s ( 186294, -113041,   -3256) [destroyer_savant_bs] is outsider.

07/09/2015 21:43:39.943, [.\PrecompiledHeaderDB.cpp][237] invalid skill_name_id[262209537] id[1024256] level[1] 07/09/2015 21:43:39.943, [CNPC::AddUseSkillDesire] Npc[sewer_guard_zombie1] Trying to use invalid skill_name_id[262209537] - check AI or NpcData 07/09/2015 21:43:39.943, [.\PrecompiledHeaderDB.cpp][269] invalid skill_name_id[262209537] id[1024256] level[1] 07/09/2015 21:43:39.943, [.\PrecompiledHeaderDB.cpp][287] invalid skill_name_id[262209537] id[1024256] level[1] Exception occured. Flush Flush!!! 07/09/2015 21:45:47.583, Can't connect to log server

sample from crash 2

07/09/2015 20:04:40.322, [oren32_p2318_03] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [16 / 15]

07/09/2015 20:13:29.026, MakerLog( rune08_2215_14)'s ( 70281, -83293, -3416) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/09/2015 20:15:26.120, MakerLog( gludio02_1922_08)'s ( -19380, 140871, -3720) [zombie_soldier] is outsider.
07/09/2015 20:15:42.573, MakerLog( oren22_2219_p17s)'s ( 88677, 56351, -3584) [connabi] is outsider.
07/09/2015 20:15:50.432, [schuttgart12_2314_50] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [8 / 7]
07/09/2015 20:15:50.432, [schuttgart12_2314_50] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [8 / 7]
07/09/2015 20:15:50.432, [schuttgart12_2314_50] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [8 / 7]
07/09/2015 20:17:21.620, MakerLog( rune08_2215_13)'s ( 68701, -82376, -3544) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/09/2015 20:17:26.276, [schuttgart12_2314_28] failed to increase total npc because of npc quota [13 / 12]

Exception occured. Flush Flush!!!
07/09/2015 20:21:46.058, Can't connect to log server

Sample 3 

07/07/2015 01:30:07.392, MakerLog( rune08_2215_27)'s ( 83817, -82100, -3584) [brilliant_vengeance] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:34:57.393, MakerLog( rune08_2215_09)'s ( 71948, -75904, -3840) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:35:13.299, MakerLog( rune08_2215_03)'s ( 69737, -72377, -3800) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:35:41.752, MakerLog( rune08_2215_03)'s ( 69721, -72387, -3800) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:36:49.049, MakerLog( gludio23_1921_11)'s ( -28367, 121618, -3696) [giant_araneid] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:36:51.049, MakerLog( rune08_2215_03)'s ( 69347, -72174, -3792) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:38:07.299, MakerLog( rune08_2215_08)'s ( 72806, -75797, -3736) [brilliant_blade] is outsider.
07/07/2015 01:41:56.909, func_call : Access violation. Read[0], ai[raid_boss_ag_type1_doc_chaos] event[SEE_CREATURE], pc[12], sp[2]
07/07/2015 01:41:58.534, func_call : Access violation. Read[0], ai[raid_boss_ag_type1_doc_chaos] event[SEE_CREATURE], pc[12], sp[2]
07/07/2015 01:41:59.003, func_call : Access violation. Read[0], ai[raid_boss_ag_type1_doc_chaos] event[SEE_CREATURE], pc[12], sp[2]
07/07/2015 01:41:59.768, func_call : Access violation. Read[0], ai[raid_boss_ag_type1_doc_chaos] event[SEE_CREATURE], pc[12], sp[2]
07/07/2015 01:42:00.300, func_call : Access violation. Read[0], ai[raid_boss_ag_type1_doc_chaos] event[SEE_CREATURE], pc[12], sp[2]

Exception occured. Flush Flush!!!
07/07/2015 01:42:09.862, Can't connect to log server

Edited by razvypp

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