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  • 4 weeks later...

This is not a big problem here take these files from rapidshare! http://rapidshare.com/files/136486830/buffs.rar.html


These files are from oneodevteam from the mental's pack and last 9 hours! Have fun.Open the folder copy all files inside and go to your gameserver, then data files , stats,skills and paste them inside it will ask you to replace the old files press yes. That's all the next time you open your server your buffer buffs will last 9 hours.


Rock here is the help for you....


Here is the deal:

U wanna add hero glow to weps?


First u need FileEdit program,which i presume ,u allrdy have...

-Than open WEaponsgrp.dat file

-Find the weapon u want to make hero glow for

-Rock u did good.... u changed from -1 to 1

BUT u need to add this :  LineageEffect.e_u092_a

after 0

(this line makes the effect working)

And to answer your question about duals... all weapons have 4 lines becouse it's 1 normal and 3x SA

Duals dont have SA (at least not one to make at Blacksmith)-so they need only 1 line


Here is the list of HERO WEAPON VALLUES:

LineageEffect.e_u092_a single sword

LineageEffect.e_u092_b two-hand sword

LineageEffect.e_u092_c axe

LineageEffect.e_u092_d mace

LineageEffect.e_u092_e hammer

LineageEffect.e_u092_f staff

LineageEffect.e_u092_g dagger

LineageEffect.e_u092_h fist

LineageEffect.e_u092_i bow

LineageEffect.e_u092_j dualsword


So for example: for bow u need put  LineageEffect.e_u092_i in command line...


Here is for your tallum sword :


u have: 5   1   0 (after 0 on your pic comes my part-->)   LineageEffect.e_u092_a  


(and than other stuff that is allrdy in, iam to lazy to copy from your post,or rewrite it all)


That s about it.

and another tip

if u want to keep weapon glow and hero glow ,both at same time, just add hero effect and leave is-hero value at -1^^


If u need more help ,feel free to pm me^^

I ll guide u trough....


BTW Nice glow add thread :P


Here is the pic. of my AS hero + glow (purple red)





1. i dont understand where i need change -1 to 1

2. where need add LineageEffect.e_u092_a

3.  ...all weapons have 4 lines...  lol when i open my WEaponsgrp

there i have to mutch line , to mutch  numbers 0 -1 and 1

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