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Removing Animated Objects.

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Anybody knows how to remove this red animated vortex on H5, which is spawned next to every city? Sinister Worshiper and Altar Guards are laying next to it. I can remove base of this Evil Altar but animated circle is still on the place.




Thanks in advance.

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well lol, yes - its writed in a stupid -"song name" way  - summer time redness 

idk if its fully answear to your question, but this http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178885-high-five-multiple-fix/ - its seems a fix, with download.

if this wont help you, then you might need to delete textures that is used by this effect, so they wont appear, but that also wouldnt be showed somewhere else! 


Or you' might need to replace just a map(unr) file itself, from gracia epliogue, or hf part1or -3 - where this effect isnt placed.

Edited by LightFusion
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Yes. I can replace UNR files but I do not want to do that. Some files doesn't have texture for H5.

Same story is with orb in Einhasad temple (place where human character starts a game). You can find there big statue with orb in hand. You can remove statue but orb is still in place.

Same is with "red eye" of altar of sacrifice (this is proper name of it). I was searching for texture of it and I couldn't find.

This is a challenge. :)

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