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So this is a high rate server, and one guy offered me to buy a program that you can raise your stats with. I declined his offer because i thought he would scam me. He sen't me a photo of his stats 

It's not a visual hack. I've checked it by going 1v1. I was full evasion and he hit through it like nothing. He was with full accuracy however 209 is max with hawkeye buffs and etc. He has 233 without those buffs and he didint have clan skills either. Also look at his evasion. His evasion is 182 with an accuracy bow without clan skills. My evasion is 168 and that is with clan skills. We are both fully auged. Both classes are the same Sagittarius. 

He mentioned what that program does is that it resets the characters stats. So would any know know what that program is? Help out a dude :D Thanks



Thats a scam. All stats related values are stored/count on server side. All you do is request an attack; server will recount the evasion and accuracy. You cant change char stats from client


I see, thanks for the answer. I've got another question. Does any one know if there are any bugs which could give me an advantage in pvp against other players? Like increasing my attack speed or something doing more damage :D Please share if you do !


there was plenty exploits allowing to achieve such effects, mostly with stacking buffs (l2off) or stacking pasive auguments (l2j),

so that could be possible with some not patched exploit, but for sure not the way he described it - with inline stats editing.

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