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Php Basic Of Collecting Information From Database


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Hello. so lets start the amazing derp guide of the basic to collect informations from a database table to our website.


In PHP we use strings to store inside data. a string example => $string = "data is gonna be inside here";

also each php scripts starts with <?php and ends with ?>



So we need first to connect to the database.

$db_ip = "" // The ip of the host/pc that our database is.
$db_user = "root" // The username of our database
$db_password = "pass" // The password of our database user
$db_name = "Database" // The name of our database
$connect = mysql_connect($db_ip ,$db_user,$db_password); // Connecting to the mysql
mysql_select_db($db_name,$connect) or die (mysql_error()); // Selecting the database
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); // Setting the input method to utf8

If the database is hosted on different host from your website. you have to open ports 3306 and allow the mysql connection from distance when you install the mysql.


For first example i will count how many accounts for example we have stored in our database.


So the logic is, i am gonna get inside the table accounts of database with name Database and count how much accounts are there.

$num_accounts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts") );


$query_accounts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts");
$num_accounts = mysql_num_rows($query_accounts);

so the $num_accounts now contains the number of how much different accounts have been stored in the table.



we can print the number on our page with 

echo 'Total Accounts:' . $num_accounts;

also you can specify the rows based on level, or online or whatever information your table contains. for example we gonna count how many characters are 45 level

$num_chars_45level = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE level='45' ") );


we can print the number on our page with 

echo 'Total chars with 45LvL:' . $num_chars_45level;

Tell me if you liked so i do more :D

Edited by Snoopi
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  • 4 months later...

so, where i can find :


$db_ip = "" // The ip of the host/pc that our database is.
$db_user = "root" // The username of our database
$db_password = "pass" // The password of our database user
$db_name = "Database" // The name of our database
$connect = mysql_connect($db_ip ,$db_user,$db_password); // Connecting to the mysql
mysql_select_db($db_name,$connect) or die (mysql_error()); // Selecting the database
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); // Setting the input method to utf8

Edited by IPlaySex
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so, where i can find :


$db_ip = "" // The ip of the host/pc that our database is.

$db_user = "root" // The username of our database

$db_password = "pass" // The password of our database user

$db_name = "Database" // The name of our database


$connect = mysql_connect($db_ip ,$db_user,$db_password); // Connecting to the mysql

mysql_select_db($db_name,$connect) or die (mysql_error()); // Selecting the database

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); // Setting the input method to utf8

you write in on your page inside <?php  ?>

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Can you share the code for PvP tracking and online time?

while ($query_accounts = mysql_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM table WHERE pvpkills >  0 ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT 10 ")) { 
echo $i . ' ' . $query_accounts['char_name'] . '<br />'; 
Edited by Snoopi
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