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Kalhspera paidia exw ena provlima me to geodata tou server h players h 8a pernane mesa apo to vraxw h 8a peftoun sunexia sta grafika oriste ta cofings mhpws exw kanei kati la8os

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Geodata
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# GeoData options:
# 0 = GeoData and PathFinding OFF (default)
# 1 = GeoData is used to check Line Of Sight (LOS) targeting and
#     L2Playable movement. You need to download files for data/geodata folder.
#     Monsters can pass walls but not aggro (no line of sight) through them.
# 2 = Full GeoData enabled. Includes PathFinding (requires also /data/pathnode
#     files if CellPathFinding not enabled) and all character moves go through
#     geodata checks (if a mob passes a wall, pathfinding didn't find a route
#     but we allow attack and returning home).
#     Recommended server memory minimum 2 GB, rather 3 GB.
# Default: 0
GeoData = 2

# Cell-level pathfinding, produces more accurate routes but is (maybe 10x) heavier to calculate. Recommended for small servers at least.
# If False, pathnode files are used. Uses a max number of nodes in calculation which can be adjusted in the algorithm if it needs to be faster.
# Default: False
CellPathFinding = false

# True = Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory.
# False = Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory.
# Default: True
ForceGeodata = true

# This setting controls Client <--> Server Player coordinates synchronization:
# -1 - Will synchronize only Z from Client --> Server. Default when no geodata.
# 1 - Synchronization Client --> Server only. Using this option (without geodata) makes it more difficult for players to bypass obstacles.
# 2 - Intended for geodata (at least with cell-level pathfinding, otherwise can you try -1).
# Server sends validation packet if client goes too far from server calculated coordinates.
# Default: -1
CoordSynchronize = 2

mine is like this and works fine 

# --------------------------------
#  Geo Configuration -
# --------------------------------
# 0 = geodata disabled (default).
# 1 = enabled geodata.
# If ForceGeodata = true, it requires ~ 3 GB
# If ForceGeodata = false, then the required rate of screws 7200
# 2 = geodata and pathnode (search path) are included.
# Pathnode are't active for Players, active AllowPlayersPathnode= True
# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 5 GB
# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200
# -1 = Pathnode (search path) enabled.
# If ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 2 GB
# If ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200
# Test function! There may be mistakes! 
GeoData = 0

# If GeoData=2, with this configuration is possible to enable/disable pathnode for 
# players, meanwhile, for the other "L2Characters", is always enabled.
# You must have a good Pathnode to active this function.
AllowPlayersPathnode= False

# [True] Download geodata in RAM (using about 2 GB).
# [False] Do not download geodata in memory. Read from the hard disk.
# INFO: Better [true]
ForceGeodata = False

# Cell-level pathfinding, produces more accurate routes but is (maybe 10x) heavier to calculate. Recommended for small servers at least.
# If False, pathnode files are used. Uses a max number of nodes in calculation which can be adjusted in the algorithm if it needs to be faster.
# Default: False
CellPathFinding = False

# Default: False
AcceptGeoeditorConn = False
GeoEditorPort = 9011

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