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L2 Adrenaline Scripts.

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Engine.DlgSel('Auto buff');
Not working for npc buffer? Can someone help please? 
Bot just come to npc and get no buff :/
3rd server with that
Can someone help?

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Engine.DlgSel('Auto buff');


Not working for npc buffer? Can someone help please? 

Bot just come to npc and get no buff :/

3rd server with that

Can someone help?

try use 

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how it works? I dont know how to put it to script

  Engine.DlgSel('Auto buff'); // notworking
Here is screen of menu of NPC
REPAIRED Thx to adr.bot
Edited by Paysami
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Anybody knows what is the correct syntax for this function?


DUseSkill(id : Cardinal; ctrl, Shift :Boolean) : Boolean;


anything I try comes with an error. Maybe an example if you know how to use it. 



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Anybody knows what is the correct syntax for this function?


DUseSkill(id : Cardinal; ctrl, Shift :Boolean) : Boolean;


anything I try comes with an error. Maybe an example if you know how to use it. 



if you wanna just use skill example Engine.UseSkill(123); with ctrl i think some like that Engine.UseSkill(123, true);

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if you wanna just use skill example Engine.UseSkill(123); with ctrl i think some like that Engine.UseSkill(123, true);

I need to cast 2 skills and bot wont cast until first one finishes. Want to cast them with no delay between.

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I need to cast 2 skills and bot wont cast until first one finishes. Want to cast them with no delay between.

hmm i dont know, newer try use skil cast in script, i just use easer way when come to spot turn on bot interface



Engine.FaceControl(0,true);        ///turn on

Engine.FaceControl(0,false);      /// turn off
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could someone tell me l2 tales scheme buff script dialog viewer doesn't work in cracked version..

some time ago i write script in tales and dialog viewer works fine, i dont think that anything has changed

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