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We Trying to make something good and not same like other servers i always have haters not only me but when someone opening a new svr these ppl cant have same things like me thats they hating this svr



you copied npcs/economy from other servers how it's not the same you retard?


another java trash dead server.

Edited by Raws
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you copied npcs/economy from other servers how it's not the same you retard?


another java trash dead server.


haters gona hate so if u dont like just stop spamming. i will ask a moderator to warn you 

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» No custom items !   ~~~~~~~> » Unique tattoo 10% CP/HP/MP Only From Vote.
                                                   » Hero/Lord Crown 5% CP/HP/MP (Not Allowed at Olympiad Games)

You probably dont know what custom items are.

good luck


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» No custom items !   ~~~~~~~> » Unique tattoo 10% CP/HP/MP Only From Vote.

                                                   » Hero/Lord Crown 5% CP/HP/MP (Not Allowed at Olympiad Games)


You probably dont know what custom items are.


good luck



dude these things are retail from game custom items mean to use something from another Client anyway thanks 

you can give a try Today :)




I liked the server, but what do you think of the idea of ​​taking the skills of agument ?


you mean to disable Agumentation System?






Tattoo Decreased From 10% to 5% HP/CP/MP

All Classes Reworked.

New Barakiel System

Reworked Raid Bosses

Fixed All Mobs in Party Zone Now u need + Bishop to kill them


We think to Create something Unique Something Like Stadium so if u played another games with Stadium games u will understand what i mean u will Register to play games class vs class and u can win good prices etc we still working on it

Edited by L2AirinWars
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