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Geia sas paides sorry pou kanw tetoio post apla exw ksexasei k epsaksa pantou..

loipon thelw n kanw ena arxeio mulltisell diladi se 1 scrolls na deixnei 100.. i life stone i oti dipote ...

katalavate tsp..as mou thumisei kapoios euxaristw paidia :)



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apla vale p.x.

    <ingredient id="57" count="1000000"/>
    <production id="6393" count="100"/>

an ennoeis auto pou katalava giati ta les k ligo perierga..

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apla vale p.x.

    <ingredient id="57" count="1000000"/>
    <production id="6393" count="100"/>

an ennoeis auto pou katalava giati ta les k ligo perierga..

exw 50 scrolls as poume wraia???dn thelw n fenonte ola sto inventory m

thelw n fenonte k ta 50 mono se ena scrolls :)

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aaa..pes to etsi!

iparxei shared auto thelei kai client side kai server side na to ftiakseis

apo ti thumamai mono apo ena mulltisell ginete :/

tsp as apantish kapoios allos logika me help ...thnx pantws

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exw 50 scrolls as poume wraia???dn thelw n fenonte ola sto inventory m

thelw n fenonte k ta 50 mono se ena scrolls :)


<set name="is_stackable" val="true" />

Edited by Dante44®
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thelei kai client side fix auto omws :P auto ennow 

pwww tha me kaneis na sikoso server na to dokimaso twra



to item p theleis ine auto etsi?

<item id="6393" type="EtcItem" name="Event - Glittering Medal">
<set name="icon" val="icon.etc_event_glitter_medal_i00" />
<set name="material" val="STEEL" />
<set name="is_stackable" val="true" /
edit signomi pes mou pio scroll akrivos theleis!!(ID)
Edited by Dante44®
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pwww tha me kaneis na sikoso server na to dokimaso twra



to item p theleis ine auto etsi?

<item id="6393" type="EtcItem" name="Event - Glittering Medal">
<set name="icon" val="icon.etc_event_glitter_medal_i00" />
<set name="material" val="STEEL" />
<set name="is_stackable" val="true" /


dokimase me scroll enchant armor S grade kai pes m :P 

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last 3 numbers in etcitemgrp are 0 0 0 try making it 2 0 0 or 2 3 0


the config changes consume type to use 1 instead of all (idk why it doesnt use 1 in the first place) and has nothing to do with the way it shows up

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last 3 numbers in etcitemgrp are 0 0 0 try making it 2 0 0 or 2 3 0


the config changes consume type to use 1 instead of all (idk why it doesnt use 1 in the first place) and has nothing to do with the way it shows up


ellinas einai kahla :P

eides pou thelei kai client edit?

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ellinas einai kahla :P

eides pou thelei kai client edit?

copy paste ine apo edo mesa 

Credits to 

Ellen De La Generes15 January 2014 - 12:32 PM

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