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Katarxhn geia sas..

Auto to exploit exei dokimastei mono se CT1 x1000 opote den 3erw an doulevei pantou, loipon:

As ypo8esoume pws exete kastro alla kserete pws 8a dyskolefteite na to kanete defence k einai 99,9% sigouro pws 8a to xasete. Pairnetai 2 summoner kante ton ka8e ena leader se clan k dhlwste attacker. Molis arxisei to siege tous kanete party k afou to castle einai diko sas k dn sas empodizei kaneis mpanete me enan apo tous dyo k kanete pray. Frontiste na kanete pray otan ginete attack aliws dn exei nohma :P. Molis teliwsei to pray na exete ypologisei na ftanoun ekeinh thn stigmh sto castle etc wste na tous petaksei olous sthn town. molis ginei auto kanete summon friend k epanalamvanete oses fores xreiastei..

Elpizw na voh8hsa....


Re file sry kiolas alla dn katalabainw ti les..


Me liga logia mpenoume me ton summoner sto castle kai pername olous tous ex8rous?LoL sigoura kapoios 8a mas xwsei.Kai oxi mono auto allakai pray na kanoume stin arxi meta mporoume na to xasoume poli eukola :S ena pray kanei o allos k telos.Dn se katalabainw.


1: exoume hdh to castle opote eimaste mesa apo thn arxh tou siege opote kaneis dn mas xwnei

2: molis kanei pray o enas leader 8a kanei summon ton allo leader (pou exei dhlwsei k autos attacker) kai 8a kanei ekeinos pray opote 8a 3anasteilei olous tous enemy sthn town mazi me ton leader pou ekane prohgoumenous pray kai amesws 8a twn ksanakanei summon na kanei ekeinos pray k etc kaneis dn prolabainei na er8ei na sto parei, eidika se castle typou inadril pou einai makria apo thn polh..




Auto Pou les 8elei Ipomoni kai Organosi



Pistevo pos einai Kati to diskolo na gini ala ama to dokimasis dn xanis tpt



Esei mas les oti ftiaxnis 3 pextes me 3 diaforetikes clan kai pas kai top pernis sinexia mia o enas mia o alos kai etC oli twne dissmis apio to castle kai tous dioxni se mia town



Omos eukola kai grigora I dooras spane mpenoun mesa se kill



Gt to prey krataei giro sta 5 min dn 8imame akrivos



Se xwnoun kai to xanis eukola


Pantos kalo enai na exeis kai Guard Spawn Olon ton eidon



Kai m8 fisika



Apla sas leei to palikari oti einai poio poly gia high rate servers pou dn exoun poly organwsi oi clans k dn poly niwthoun sta siege...Ama to dokimaseis auto se low rate me organomenes clans tote einai san na to xarizeis ;)


kai filos ama exeis kanena Goddard Castle kai oloi einai mazemenoi apo tin arxh tou Siege tiginete??? Oses fores exw kanei Register se Goddard ginete tis -beep- to kagelo... katalavaineis...!:DDD


Koita k egw p paizw gold den prokeitai na to kanw eipame......


alla exei plaka na to kaneis se high rate kai na gelas me tou vlakes poy 8a erxontai na to paroun..

to eixa dokimasei kai ston dragon x200 me alla 2 atoma..

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    • I do what I like because I don't need to push myself to do things for L2 as a means of income. You, on the other hand, are here trying to scam people for $20k files... But, since you're so talented and competent, I suppose you must be thriving on the fruits of your talents as an L2Off dev, no? Oh wait Guess not
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    • @Vedi don't give up bro. We are waiting for this project to come back stronger.  
    • Welcome to L2EpicFail Server developed by gamers for gamers!  OBT - 7th March 2024 at 18:00 GMT+0 GRAND OPENING - 14th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT+0 Website : https://l2epic.fail/ Discord : https://discord.gg/6hwhrkrHBG     Server Features and Rates Xp – 15x Sp – 9x Adena – 6x Drop – 2x Spoil - 2x Seal Stones drop -  3x   Epic Raid Boss drop - 1x Regular RBs - EXP 5x, SP 5x, drop 4x   Quest drop - 1x (some quests customized to 3x) Quest reward - 1x, Adena 3x, EXP 3x, SP 3x     Premium Account Xp +20% Sp +20% Adena +20% Drop +20% Spoil +20% Quest reward +20%   get by vote or donate World chat 20 times/day use ">" in chat. Buff Book outside of town. Applies to all accounts.     Special Features Classic interface ActiveAnticheat Vote System Missions Attendance check And more in information below     Noblesse There are 3 ways how to make noblesse 1 - Retail Quest with killing barakiel 2 - Modifed Quest, choose killing mobs for 100 items instead of barakiel 3 - Can be bought for Epic Coins     Raid Rank Killing regular Raids gives points according to the level of the RB to the clan of the player who killed the boss. At the end of every month, there will be rewards for top clans. For more info, follow our Discord.   monthly period killing RB = points to clan according to RB level rewards up to Valakas Necklace (not the first month) current statistics can be checked online     Epic Bosses & Respawns   Queen Ant 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 43 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% guards, nurses lvl 40   Orfen 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% earring gives +1 WIT, +1 INT   Core 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% ring gives +1 STR, +1 DEX   Zaken 44 - 54 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max A grade) doors opened only 5 mins HP boosted   Baium Every Sunday 20:30 - 21:30 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (13 - 14th ToI level) regular HP   Frintezza Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 - 21:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (all IT entrance) max 5 parties to entry max 500 range from NPC   Antharas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (bridge to heart)   Valakas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (Klein to heart)   every Epic RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level x 10     Regular Bosses all regular RBs HP boosted M. def boosted a bit to give advantage to fighters all regular RBs respawn 24 - 30 hours every RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level     Added Skills Mass Sweep - All Bounty Hunters 40+ Block Buff - All Characters, toggle Escape: 20 seconds - All Characters, no more SoEs   Skills autolearn. Losing skills after 16 levels of delevel. Max buffs 24 + 4 with books (no autolearn)     Augments NoGrade - 4% chance MidGrade - 5% chance HighGrade - 7% chance TopGrade - 6% chance   GM shop weapon/armor/jwl (max C grade) shots/spiritshots (max C grade) mana potions (500 MP, 5s)     NPC buffer all buffs, songs, dances including 3rd prof + resists 1 hour duration all chars Buff Book in inventory     Global Gatekeeper all towns including cata/necro ToI 3/5/7/10th     Olympiad Thursday to Saturday 18:00 - 23:50 UTC+0 period 7 days no class participants min 5 base class participants min 10 max enchant +6     Class Transfer 1st class 50k adena 2nd class 500k adena 3rd class 20kk adena + 700 Halisha marks (tradeable)     Noblesse Quest Quest retail like. Moonstone Shards, Demons Blood etc. quest drop boosted     Subclass Quest To get the quest, you have to be 75+ on your main character (start Reorin in Giran) Bring item from Cabrio chest Bring items from Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda chests Bring this back to Reorin Bring 984 B-grade crystals and top B weapon to Reorin Get low A-grade weapon as reward Done , you can take subclass (up to 5) from any Master in town     Clans all clan members get clan skills (no need for titles) max clan slots 65, max ppl in PvP zone 63 leave/dismiss penalty 0 hours max clans in ally 3     Others   max 3 windows per HWID (only one in PvP zone) protection after teleport for 20 seconds arrows and spellbooks drop turned off weight limit 10x, stackable enchants and LS champions blue (5x HP) min level for trade = 40, chat = 20 BoM/MoM spawned in towns Edited November 1, 2024 by NevesOma
    • Im searching to developer to help me 🙂 pm me 🙂
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