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password is incorrect....help me!!!


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Allo guys.I have e BIG problem......i setup l2 gracia and then i update it...so i went to find the host of ownage,when i downlaod the host i copy it in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.When i opened l2.exe i write my account and my pass but it was telling me that my pass is incorect  :-\.So i went to register account again but i had the same problem  :-[.if anyone know what i must do pls tell it to me  :)

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If I'm not wrong, ownage is hellbound. I didn't tried to download gracia client, but i'm using hellbound client and its works fine.


No its gracia , according to hopzone..


Layer 2 things i have never play that server but the more often problems whit acc are :


1 ) u didnt register (if the site needs that)

2 ) ur pass is alredy exist i mind u use a common name for ID xD

3 ) u may be cp something wrong in the hosts

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