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[Discussion] Signature Of The Month: Christmas Edition


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Discussion about the upcoming signature of the month event is here.

Feel free to talk about anything related to this event.


To participate, read this topic.


Also, on the next SOTM events, we won't start the event on the 1st of the month.

Instead, we will start a voting topic for the theme on 1st to 7th, then 7th to 24th will be the participations and finally the voting will be 24th to 30/31th.

If you have any better idea, let us know here.

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All you'll see is 3 members participating and being forced to hand out awards to them whether you like it or not cause simply you must.

That's how it worked for the last 2 SOTMs. Hf.

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All you'll see is 3 members participating and being forced to hand out awards to them whether you like it or not cause simply you must.

That's how it worked for the last 2 SOTMs. Hf.

If that happens then we'll just cancel it.

It has to be more than 4 people.

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Meaning you'll drive away the 3 people that will participate, that surely is a good idea. not.

Got a better idea?

Most SOTM events on other forums give you nothing as a reward.

Edited by xDamian
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Members spend time over here. So why not gain and something from Mxc. ;)


Give us your best signature!
Not only for the award but for the fun and for Christmas 2014!!!!

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Got a better idea?

Most SOTM events on other forums give you nothing as a reward.

On other forums (i imagine you refer to forums that are especially made for GFX) people do not really require a reward, because other members help them improve on their own style.*unlike here, commenting to increase post count*. That's their reward, more than enough if you ask me.



Members spend time over here. So why not gain and something from Mxc. ;)


Give us your best signature!

Not only for the award but for the fun and for Christmas 2014!!!!

I'm not really into arguing, but sorry i won't.

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