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Unrealed Crash While Creating A Finalblend


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Hi all, I have an annoying problem when i try to create a FinalBlend for a shader. The shader contains the same texture acting as Diffuse and Opacity map. The textures are in DDS. When I try to load the shader as Material in the FinalBlend the program freezes and the CPU usage climbs to 50% usage. Im using Windows 8.1, but previously I have used Win7 without a problem.


Is the SO? A friend of mine have tried also in his Win 7 laptop and doesn't work. Maybe im missing some libraries? Pls Help :<

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i had study some steps that seems unrealed dosn.t like when we do it in some ways

basycaly i do like this
a i first import my textures
b i create the tex panners, env maps, shaders, final blends or wat you will use
c i set up all except fot shader and final blend
d i open finalblend, set the ztest and others to true, than link the shader
and from the right view i click on shader and start setting it

ill make an tutorial about this if you want :P

Edited by puredemonsss
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i had study some steps that seems unrealed dosn.t like when we do it in some ways


basycaly i do like this

a i first import my textures

b i create the tex panners, env maps, shaders, final blends or wat you will use

c i set up all except fot shader and final blend

d i open finalblend, set the ztest and others to true, than link the shader

and from the right view i click on shader and start setting it


ill make an tutorial about this if you want :P




ok here it is the little tutorial i tink :)



say we want to make one .utx with 3 groups, each for one weapon

so we first start with the first group by adding all its texture to it

after imported the texture as dxt3 or dx1 or wath you are using for project you have to set the settings on it but this is only for those that know about the gif stuff and other functions

ok now create but don't set yet, just create the texpanners, envmaps, combiners, shaders, finalblends or watever you use or need

now set the panners and other stuff but not yet the shaders and final blends


after you set all the stuff excepting the shaders and final blend you do this

open final blend and set the FrameBufferBlending to FB_Overwrite, ZWrite to True, AlphaTest to True, TwoSided to True in most cases, AlphaRef i usefull too just test and if you don't know just use say 75

now you arive at Material to link the shader you want to use but first click on the cube that you see the window view (its importans in some cases and i tink thats the bug)

now you can link the shader and after you linked it will apear to the right so you can navigate from there you can click on it from there and start set texture and options as you want depending on wath effect you want


there are some limitations i tink if you use combiners

for example you can use 3 panners and 2 combiners so you wil have one combiner that will have one panner and one combiner that haves another 2 panners



i have posted some weapons and you can use them as example

good luck :)


sory bad english you guys :(

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