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Hi thee in recently foundation thuis site andere was intrested in the guides people posted, Some are nice some are exploits which ik try tot avond. Right here is my idea tot safelly get some of that gold coins people want.


Frist you neem atheïst 4 to 5 level 90's unlock the Sunsong Ranch in Valley of the Four Winds plant only Enigma Seeds, yes the flowers (you guys must think he is crazy).

One thing you must have for this method is Alchemy Transmution Master, Inscription and Jewelcrafting, and maybe mening but thats optionele.


So what to door without alle these flowers, well those need these proffs or any other toon that doesnt have the farm unlocked yet. You will be getting between 2 to 9 golden lotus from each farm. So the more toons you got the more herbs you wil be getting.


So putting it all to use

Get some uncommon gems any will door beide blues.

Send your golden lotus to your alchemist (preff Transmution Master)

Transmute the uncommon gems intocht Rare Onze

Send the normal herbs to your scribe and mill everything

Turn them into ink turn those into glymphs or what ever you wish to do with them

Make shoulder enchants with green colored ink

Now dont forget your Jewelcrafter if you safed up a decent ammount of rare gems cut them into what ever you think sells best(I uselly go with the caster healer gems)

Mining helps with getting the ore to be prospected.


Well this is simple stuff I havend bin op this forum for that long So cut me some slack I dont think I am reposting if so i appoligize


Bare in mind that you would want to get all those proffs even Mining it safes the buying of the gold on the action house

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