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MaxCheaters New Face!


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I said before about software-hardware section's also with more and better staff members that i said before the spammer's will have no action any more here .


why u said that? by the fact they wont understand nothing about it? xD i mind that would be 1 section that dosnt allow no nw ;) no one can say ty to a poll about software ;P also if they lie we could ask him for what reason and if he dosnt answer QQ we know he is a fuck off ;P

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Well ok...


What MxC version 4 will include:


- A brand new software to run the forum [VB+vbadvance].

- A new attractive theme to gain more people and donors.

- Cleaning threads which are too old and are not working.

- Rebuild some categories.

- Build brand new categories for those who don't like much the word "cheating".

- Check-up again the team of the moderators and global moderator.

- Rebuild the rank system.


I can imagine all night what the forum will have.As fakoykas said all these things we imagine need some damn money.Well maxtor will give some and maybe some moderators and gl. mods can give some money too.I will to pay cause I like this forum and I like to make it better.Yes! I don't like SMF and this theme and I want some renewal.I am not bored the "faces" as maduser said but I really bored the same things day by day.MxC can be different!


I hope it will ;).


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Well ok...


What MxC version 4 will include:


1- A brand new software to run the forum [VB+vbadvance].

2- A new attractive theme to gain more people and donors.

3- Cleaning threads which are too old and are not working.

4- Rebuild some categories.

5- Build brand new categories for those who don't like much the word "cheating".

6- Check-up again the team of the moderators and global moderator.

7- Rebuild the rank system.



2 It wasnt donators? xDDDDD (this is spam ;P topic xD)


3 u mind delet 20k post ?


5 bah.. what do u mind exacly?


6 i want to see what will happend whit that


7 same that 5

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ok... i was thinking last night, telling to some guys on msn also, that great guys have left mxc :(


i remember we used to have a lot of fun


anyway i think they and more ppl can come back by a new interface...


Well ok...


What MxC version 4 will include:


1- A brand new software to run the forum [VB+vbadvance].

2- A new attractive theme to gain more people and donors.

3- Cleaning threads which are too old and are not working.

4- Rebuild some categories.

5- Build brand new categories for those who don't like much the word "cheating".

6- Check-up again the team of the moderators and global moderator.

7- Rebuild the rank system.


I can imagine all night what the forum will have.As fakoykas said all these things we imagine need some damn money.Well maxtor will give some and maybe some moderators and gl. mods can give some money too.I will to pay cause I like this forum and I like to make it better.Yes! I don't like SMF and this theme and I want some renewal.I am not bored the "faces" as maduser said but I really bored the same things day by day.MxC can be different!


I hope it will ;).



1. great idea

2. the maid idea :D

3. hmm... yeah it could take some take that (but worth it)

4. Not my opinion only mods+admin

5. umm... i mean maxcheaters will still be "the best cheating forum" right?

6. Not the extend of my power so thus i do not talk xD

7. rank system you mean posts :D?

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Let's give some more details on what I said before...


- A brand new software to run the forum [VB+vbadvance].


  Install the vBulletin forums and the vbadvance as a portal too.Vbulletin costs some money but the vbA is free.So...a 

  simple installation.


- A new attractive theme to gain more people and donors.


  When someone buys a license from vb he can find any theme he wants.So we can find a good white theme with

  red letters or something.


- Cleaning threads which are too old and are not working.


  We shall delete old exploits and spam topics and posts.Double answers and etc.Clean the forum is all about.


- Rebuild some categories.


  Maybe we can configure the current categories and build 'em somehow else.


- Build brand new categories for those who don't like much the word "cheating".


  Meaning "General Discussion","Music","Funny Videos",Software/Hardware" etc...


- Check-up again the team of the moderators and global moderator.


  Maybe we have to dismiss some people which are too inactive.


- Rebuild the rank system.


  Rank: MaxCheater, Senior Cheater etc...I mean we shall make new ranks for the people with more than 1300 posts ex.


Am I clear now? I can help!!! We can help!!! Let's be united for a better forum!



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Wipe out everything...


Dont worry, if players like this forum, they will stay here...If they stay here they are older than the average 12 years old kids in here and they know more than xml.


That means every stupid spammer will leave coz of "OMG WIPE LOLWHY?!?!!?" and all the pro's will stay and rebuild the forum. If all the pro's will stay and rebuild the forum we wont have any more stupid or outdated guides and shares.


Thats what Id do...now do wtver u think its best


If u flame my post, you fail...Altho if you come up with anti-arguments on what I said...its OK

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Wiping out is not the right solution for a forum with such database.


I suggested to edit the forum.Not to wipe it.


P.S: Pros will leave too ;).



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wipe all? ahhaha 200k post dump to toilet? Lmao ::)


i dont like the idea of delet the old exploits, some day some one will make a mistake and even the stupidest bugs will work (i am sure of that beacuse evry adming think he is god but there is always 1 xploit that work ^^)


about the rest i give my up but untill maxtor is back from army we are stuck here whit same things  xD


[but this aint bad , has a fact i rly like the actual face of MxC]

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LooooooooL Wipe ?! Huh ?!


Why maxtor to do such a bad move ? Why to destroy his doMaiN ?! xD

This forum is opened 3 years... And has a very good community and too much staff.

Why all from begin ? =S




Btw the main subject of this topiC is to refresh the mxC teaM ?!


or update the forum general.. with new sections , categories..etc.. ?!


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Btw the main subject of this topiC is to refresh the mxC teaM ?!


or update the forum general.. with new sections , categories..etc.. ?!



To make a new categories like C++ , Java , PHP , html , css e.t.c

To change some staff members that they are always offline .

Finally to make a refresh on the forum .

Also a good idea would be a new rank like Gold Member but with name Post Hunter ;)

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To make a new categories like C++ , Java , PHP , html , css e.t.c

To change some staff members that they are always offline .

Finally to make a refresh on the forum .

Also a good idea would be a new rank like Gold Member but with name Post Hunter ;)


lol why???


karma rights?


view hidden section?


view profiles??



why is that?


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