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[L2J] L2Tenkai


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- x100.000 Exp/SP/Adena rate

- Safe enchant: +3
- Max enchant: +16
- Enchant rate: variable % + no crystalizations (read more below)

- Tenkai events:
Most of you will love our events engine, it brings 4 years of continuous improvements and additions, and they will be improved during this server's life too. We won't go deeper with it because it would take ages to read the resulting paragraph, so we invite you to take a look by yourself.

- Merchant NPC:
It will include all the gear, also R-Grade in its unidentified state.
The event prizes and donation rewards will also be accessible from this NPC.

- Teleporter NPC:
This NPC teleports you practically anywere and for free. Its teleports also include Gracia zones, the new Talking Island and Magmeld.

- Services NPC:
There you will be able to use the buffer, warehouses, create clans and allies, create any of your available subclasses, bestow SA and augments on your items, draw symbols and delevel.

- Magic gem:
The custom NPCs won't be spawned in the game. You will have to use your magic gem in order to see them spawned around you and make use of their functionalities.
Everyone will start with a magic gem and there will be no way to lose it.

- Deck:
Double clicking it with a mob targeted will give to you his basic information, together with his drops and chances which are calculated according to your current level.
Everyone will start with a deck and there will be no way to lose it.

- Custom enchanting system:
Enchanting scrolls will be safe, in a way that if they fail your item will not break nor lose its enchant. While your item's enchant level goes higher, its chance to get to the next level will become lower, so you will need to spend more scrolls, for example you can go quickly to +12, but after to +13 success rate will be 2%, to +14 1%, u will NOT broke in anycase ur gear. Rbs drop a lot of blessed enchant scrolls that drastically increase % success rate (for example from +15 to +16 with bewr u have 10% success rate)

Server features:

- Ertheia client no custom!!

- 500+ ppl online!!

- Dragon Weaps only from epics drop!
- New Talisman Insanity implemented and tradable, fuse 2 longing with coupond fuction to get.

- Enhanced and Epic Aria's Bracelets tradables
- Brooch system implemented

- Ability system implemented
- New base stats
- New classes
- Dual class system
- New classes' skills (~98%)
- New clan skills (including the actives)
- Sayune (jumping system)
- Museum statistics
- Ranking statues
- New war system
- Grand Olympiad changes
- Magmeld elevators
- Token actions
- Bloody Swampland monsters
- Fairy Settlement monsters
- Garden of Genesis monsters
- Orbis Temple monsters
- Guillotine Fortress monsters
- Forbidden Gateway monsters
- Istina Grand Boss
- Octavis Grand Boss
- Teredor Instance
- Tauti Instance
- Raid bosses system

The server Shakdun is 100000x rates, most of things are balanced, average ppl online most the time 500+. What are u w8ing for?? download the system and start play in the best server Ertheia!


You can play with the lastest client updated, just copy/past system folder from site.


Server Site: http://www.l2tenkai.com/

Forum: http://www.l2tenkai.com/board/

Video organization CC/mass pvp for steal entrace in Lindvior Epic 22/ago/2014 (look how many ppl!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHoImPDC0fs#t=24


(you don't need in a extreme server  ;) )


Enjoy! icon_wink.gif

Edited by LuxorITA
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  • Posts

    • Whatever @Tryskell said...   Unfortunately it is not 2005-2010 anymore... Most of the community from those days is "grown up" and probably does not play games anymore (or at least no MMOs). I think anything related to MMOs will be a nail in the coffin.   I understand that it is hard to let the thing you've built for years to "just die". I assume most people got into programming, so maybe you can try something in that direction. But then again, this is a very niche community.   We need to think of something to bring the people together. I think events may be really fun, but then you would probably need to add prizes n order for the people to participate.   So yea, just my 2 cents. Hopefully somebody can come up with some great idea so we can revive this place. I've already forgotten it for the last couple (5-6) years...
    • Thats an interface future. You can reach me out about this in discord: xbaus
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/hoodservices https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • Both "MMO genre" AND "forums" are greatly deprecated those days. MMO genre, except very few games (TESO, WOW, BDO, FF14), is mostly "eaten" by fast paced games (aka games with 15-30min game parties, they are numerous). See Twitch best games, I doubt the top 10 are MMOs. Adding more MMOs categories, while MMOs themselves got less population, isn't a bright idea. Also, in the past, there was multiple games categories - none actually worked out, so far. Forums type were replaced by Discord, mostly. You communicate faster, you got voice, you can group up and it's already thematized (by server, by guild, by game,...)... Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about. You already did it multiple times without success (3 or 4 times at least ?). It's not due to staff. MMO forum is just "niche" nowadays, while 20 years ago it was "dope" and the thing to do. Your main problem is MxC is a community based on "nothing". It was first cheater dedicated, then mostly L2 development dedicated,... With a mix of random things here and there. The formula is lightly-themed as "community" (that's actually why you still have some ppl posting), and in same time community never was expanded to retain ppl (notably through MxC servers - no matter the game : L2, GTA, Conan Exiles, Lost Ark, whatever else). In the end, you end with "nothing", since people comes and goes (and mostly goes, since MMO isn't a thing anymore), but both MMO genre is greatly endangered by other types of games AND forums isn't the proper way to communicate in 2024. Actually, the only use of a forums compared to Discord is to search through archives, and the main point is it's a better "showcase" than Discord (a static website would end with the same output). The proposed formula will never work, or at best will attract greedy ppl.
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