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Hello. I've searched the Internet for a guide like this so the spammers can make their attidude. LOL  :D



This tutorial is about how to gain other members respect and trust.

It is in three chapters:


1. About how to not irritate or getting hated by others.

2. How to gain the respect.

3. Imporant stuff!


Let's begin



Chapter one:





Some of the worst you can do to people is to flame thier work or rip them off.

Also, if you flame someones hard work they simply get irritated or angry and that may start a discussion.

And a very imporant thing to remember, IF you are going to flame or rip of a persion, you will not only lose the respect and trust from the him/her,

but you will also often lose from the other members that have seen the thread aswell.. Why? Becuse they see how mean you possible are, and you lose respect from them also.


You should also see my thread about the diffrence between flaming and critic.



Mean attitude


If you got a mean attitude, you truly lose respect very fast.

I don't think its even a question why.

Try to be kind and do not allways say the bad about the stuff, but try to also give some praise. You will then be threten the same as normal.



If your attitude is being arrogantly, like saying you are allways the best.

Like "I am a expert at ---". If you are going to say you are a expert or something like that, the other members should be agreed with that. Else you will look like an idiot!


Chapter two:



Being nice


First you should have a nice attitude (Attitude is an imporant thing here) Also greet people with a hello, or anything like that.



The sections


A very imporant thing that you should remember, but often are being forgotten is to try being in so many diffrent sections as possible, that way you will surely meet new people around and then you get more famous at the forum.




Smileys will allways make the text nicer and funnyer! Use some diffrent smileys, and also try to make it fit the text!

And one more thing, it looks much more nicer with than : D Right?


Avatar and signature

A avatar is allways nice and may tell more about you and then easyer to respect you! Use an avatar that fits you or your nick! About the signature, it is allways nice with a signature, try it out!



Chapter three:



Post count


The post count will not tell anything about you! Remeber that.. A persion with post count 1000+ can still be mean, so it is no need to spam forums becuse you want a higher post count.

If your nice and kind, people will still respect you! I got much respect for people with around 8+ Don't have any problems with it.. If their nice I am OK with it

Just becuse they are new to this forum don't mean their new to OT..


But after much descussion i will change a bit here


A high post can grant you more trust. But please do not spam this forum becuse you want a high postcount.

*Read the rules*




It don't matter if you are bad or good in english, if you are nice and you are so. No one can change that!



Be yourself

Do not act that you are an other persion than you actualy are! Be your self!!





Originally Posted by Colandus View Post



Another important thing is to always try to communicate with everyone, like ask for help but not just like:


Originally Posted by Help

hey help me with this script plx


Rather like:


Originally Posted by Help

Hey dude, I've seen you're a great scripter... So I wonder if you could help me out here?



I'm really amazed of your work, and I've seen you're very helpfull so I thought you could help me?

As you see, I've just added some nice comments and I also wrote a bit more cleaner



Originally Posted by Boring dude

Hey that's a nice script I'll certainly use it!

Being too serious all the times makes you boring so you could sometimes insert a joke in your message



Originally Posted by Funny dude

Hey that's a nice script I'll certainly use it!

-insert joke here-

I couldn't figure any joke lol...

Thank you Colandus for posting this!







If your attitude is being arrogantly, like saying you are allways the best.

Like "I am a expert at ---". If you are going to say you are a expert or something like that, the other members should be agreed with that. Else you will look like an idiot!





i agree about almost evrything exept for:



Avatar and signature


like a wise man said ... a word worth more than a 1000 pictures =)


at last ...... if u r not yourself wtf are u doing? u fool yourself xD that is just sad...



Ps: vago jajajaja u make me laught xDDD

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