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Setting Java_Home



i find this guide for helping me setting Java_Home http://javarevisited.blogspot.it/2012/02/how-to-set-javahome-environment-in.html

but i really cant understand what i must do on step 5 .if anyone could explain what and where i must do would be nice.

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Start Button fx8D2s1.png


My Computer TVgYNnV.png

Properties vIDbZNz.png


Advanced System Settings XSaLRel.png


Enviroment Variables Image (It's too big)


Then create a new one like  this


In this image, in the first form you should type JAVA_HOME And in the second you should add the path of your jdk bin folder (like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55\bin)


Then press Ok


Ok again, and you are done!

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