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Lineage 2 Server Files Problem



Hello gyis,since i am new to this forum ,i started reading all the topics to find a solution to my problem but i could not find a topic that could help me with my issue.My Situation is : i started a l2 server, i got high five part  server files on my pc, and my server is online. I was editing the server files and everytime i did a change on the files i was reloading all configs etc to make sure that database has no problem with that, and if it had i could change it. So, i put a friend in server,and he created a clan .then we went 4fun and started the rune siege and he took the castle .All good so far. After ,  i created a clan and decided to invite him so i told him to disolve he's clan ,but he could not do it cause he got the castle so i had to patricipate my clan in rune castle and start a quick siege so i can take the castle do the pray and after he could disolve he's clan and come to mine.i started the rune siege and it said : the siege in rune castle failed to start cause there were no patricipants. so i went to register my self, and the "Patricipate" button washent there! i went to the attackers window and it had no button for me to patricipate! so after i did a mistake and  i  aproved he's clan as a defender (lol i know) and then it was 2 clans same clan (he's clan) as defenders. so i didhnt know what 2do to fix this, and i went to navicat and tried to change the time or do something there to fix it! after i did a restart in server, the server had no error in database ,server is still getting online with no erros! but when i log in, i click on server bartz and it says " You are disconected please try again later! , and above it said " Your protocol is diferent" lol? how can this happen? before 5mins everything was cool no errors in server and now i cant log in! me and my friend and propably no one can log in. I  saw a post saying try to change the MinProtocolRevision =

MaxProtocolRevision =  and i did some changes also there but still  i cant log in to the server. So you gyis think its the Rune messenger problem?(sherman) or what? what should i do? i dont want to upload clean files again ...Please help me..


# =========================

# Configuration Protocol  #

# =========================

# Minimum and maximum client protocols to access the server

# High Five: Part 4 = 267

MinProtocolRevision = 267

MaxProtocolRevision = 273


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Try to do it Min = 1 , Max = 999 and tell us.

i tried this also and it had the same results. no changes.cant let me log in....can you add me on skype? i send you all the info that i did if you can do this will be more than appriciated...

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