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optimalizing RAM. More ram for u games


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Windows use only 80% of u ram other 20% is completly unused (blocked), rest of ram take from harddrive(what is offcors slower than DDR rams). Windows forget about that 20% so we will configure it correctly :)

1. run-> regedit

2. move to key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management].

3. look for value DWORD  with name "NonPagedPoolSize" (if u dont have it, u will have to create it)

4. click on value "NonPagedPoolSize", take Decimal system and use valuate with formula: (youram * 95%) x 1024


u have 1gb ram so u need to write in nonpagedpoolsize  966148


we cant use 100% so u optimal value is 95% ram usage we multiply by 1024 because we have to write value in kb

(1024*95/100)*1024 = 966148

for 2gb ram value is: 1992295



thats how it looks at my sys



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i got only 512ram, what i need to do in reg to make my pc work faster? :)

valute in NonPagedPoolSize -> 498074


do you noticed any change? like you realy note that like that is more faster?

:F i never used 100% of my ram, but that what i read in forum people fell small difference in loading big programs/games

standard RAM slot will be allways faster than virtual ram taken from harddrive



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the 20% as i know, its used for other programs like startup ones, use of multiple progs, even the mighty alt-tab, inet downloads (which writes on disk) etc.


the 100% used for one single purpose isnt good !


p.s. is my opinion and mine only.

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the 20% as i know, its used for other programs like startup ones, use of multiple progs, even the mighty alt-tab, inet downloads (which writes on disk) etc.


the 100% used for one single purpose isnt good !


p.s. is my opinion and mine only.

nope u're wrong

every windows program use RAM available from configurations like just that in regedit

that default 80% is from safety protocol. That limit should increase when ram usage is more than 80% but sometimes windows dunt do that

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