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New Lineage 2 Website For Sell Only 15 Euro !

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There are lots of mistakes in this template.

Such As:
1) No footer exists.

2) Logo is Bad centered.
3) NavBar is not centered at all.

4) Navbar's texts are to close.

5) Those 2 bg's renders does not feet.

6) Bg must be improved. It's just a transparent wallpaper.

7) Cronos (and it's description) must have bigger distance with atlantis.

8) In top scripts the distances are huge, also it would be better f you created a "box" around character's names.

9) That visitor think is useless in my opinion.

10) Also , you must create a logo for the website, don't use a ripped one. That's unprofessional.

11) Vote banners must be centered a bit. (Must be moved a bit to the right.)
12) Try to do a softer hover for the top scripts.


Improve it & then sale it .
Good luck.

Edited by `iAndre
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