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The Best Breakfast

Guest skaros

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Guest skaros

Well guys :D

This is what i make for breakfast :D


well u will need


1:soup bowl

2:2 eggs

3:Frying pan



6:toast bread


Put some vitam in the frying pan not much and have it on full heat.

Put on to the bowl milk.

After that break the 2 eggs and put their insides in the bowl with the milk.

Mix it good.Now you can put 1 toast bread in it.

After you put it there take it in to the frying pan and put it there!

Check once and a while the toas thats in the frying panm to see if its ready.

When its ready you have to w8 to cold a little and put salt or ketchup.


Well thats it :D thats what i do :D



BTW i think they are called french toast ;)

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my sis discovered nice shit

macaroni casserole with meat and tomatoes


300g minced meat

150g macaroni

0,5l water

100g sour cream (18%)

and some cheese

and final:

seasoning FIX "macaroni casserole with meat and tomatoes" if u dont have it (like me :P) i used mixed pizza and meat seasoning with proportions 3:2 with some onion powder and pepper and tomatoes


so frizzle meat on oil like 8-10 min and use FIX seasoning with water (or if u dont have it like me i used only my mixed mixture) and add to it macaroni with sour cream and cheese and place it to oven(bake it 20min in 180*C)


f*kin delicous


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the best breakfast is the lunch in the afternoon


i start work 10 (night)and sleep 7 o clock in the morning so when i get up i go directly to lunch :P

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u can easyly use the exretion: Wanna go for breakfast tommorow afternoon?


can some1 give me a good recipe to make me fall asleep?? plz.. :)

naw u should sleep early and not too long so go sleep at about 11-12

well before i go to sleep i drink 2 cup's of coffee and smoke a cig , after that i go to bed and hit my head twice on the wall , and im sleeping . waking up at 4:30 PM and 30 seconds , full of energy for the day . it happens alot that u wake up screaming and feel your heart beating like a machine gun , don't worry thats a part of it

(seriously just don't eat 3 hours before sleeping , lay on the bed in a nice spot  , close your eyes , don't think about anything! , thats my recipe for sleeping in 2-5 min)


// ontopic


                                                WARRNING ! try it on your own risk


the beft breakfast i cooked myself dunno whats its called


i suppose u need:

3 eggs

1 dose of peas (the green little round thingies)



well cook the peas in hot butter for 5 min , in the meanwhile put the eggs in the frying pen ,don't break the form u will need 1 whole , after the eggs are done the peas should be good too , so now put the peas on the egg and roll it up

it didn't look very well (i can't cook), but tasted good , i suppose u can do it with cheese if u like

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